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注意敌人的铂条干扰。Be wary of enemy chaffs.

但却为许多什叶派的穆斯林所戒慎。But many Shia Muslims are wary of it.

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胡德一开始将信将疑,但后来信任她了。Hood was wary but he grew to trust her.

关注像我这样老家伙的建议。Be wary of advice from old fogies like me.

但是你一定要谨慎行事,一定不要卤莽行动。But you need to be wary of reckless action.

必须对它保持谨慎,除非你能掌控市场。Be wary of it unless you control the market.

我对这个邀请感到荣幸,也很谨慎。I was flattered by the invitation, but wary.

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但托拉斯破坏者要慎用这种指控。Trustbusters need to be wary of such claims.

但艺术卡希说,华尔街仍持谨慎态度。But Art Cashin says Wall Street remains wary.

陈致远如今变得更加谨慎,小心提防帮派分子。Chen is now more cautious, wary of gangsters.

她那浓密的波状的头发飘垂在肩上。Her thick wary hair flowed over her shoulders.

要小心其他一些相同的网站会提出相同的具有吸引力的条件。Be wary of other sites making similar come-ons.

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警惕预先为长远的安排。Be wary of prepaying for long-term arrangements.

布朗宁在现实中很谨慎的和别人分享她自己。Browning is wary of sharing too much of herself.

冯-马能对于做简单的事情格外小心。But van Manen is wary of doing the simple thing.

他们嘲讽领导阶层,我们警惕。For their satires of our leadership, we are wary.

新奥尔良州小心翼翼地关注着古斯达夫。A wary New Orlean's keeping a close eye on Gustav.

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中国的政策制定者们是一群谨小慎微的人。CHINA’S policymakers are a wary and watchful bunch.

然后你们应该对这种推广小心一点。Then you should be very wary of the generalization.

现在起我们应当学会对他们保持警惕。We should, by now, have learned to be wary of them.