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专家说,据信东突这个组织的规模非常小。Experts said the East Turkestan Islamic Movement was believed to be a very small organisation.

奥莱尔•斯坦因是中国西北探察史、敦煌学术史上的关键人物之一,他先后四次到中国新疆、甘肃等地区进行考察。Sir Aurel Stein was one of the keyman in history of the exploration in northwest of Chinese Turkestan and Dunhuang Studies.

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在长期的的历史演进过程中,泛突厥主义与泛伊斯兰主义、宗教极端主义及“东突”势力交织在一起。Pan-Turkism is interwoven with Pan-Islamism, religious extremism and East Turkestan forces in its long historical evolution process.

手稿,文件和书籍发现的东土耳其斯坦的维吾尔人已证明了的文明程度非常高。The manuscripts, documents and the books discovered in Eastern Turkestan proved that the Uyghurs had a very high degree of civilization.

达赖喇嘛使用主张独立的维吾尔族流亡人士对新疆的称呼,说东突人民日益受到压迫。Using the name given to the region by pro-independence Uighur exiles, the Dalai Lama said the people of East Turkestan have experienced increased oppression.

好奇地,苏联科学家已经发现他们所说的“古代用于宇宙航行的飞车器具”,深陷在土耳其斯坦和戈壁沙漠里。Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert.

我们的记者说,中国已表示了它所面临的威胁主要来自称为“东土耳其斯坦伊斯兰运动”的组织。Hundreds of checkpoints Our correspondent says that China has suggested the threat it faces comes mainly from a group called the East Turkestan Islamic movement.

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中国的一名高层官员曾警告称,煽动独立的“东突”分子正在策划对奥运会的攻击。A senior Chinese official has warned that Uighurs agitating for an independent "East Turkestan" in the predominantly Muslim region were plotting attacks on the Games.

发生事故的是上山的第一级电梯,电梯上站满了孩子,其间突停,上面有人跌倒,从上到下,倒了一大片。The accident is the first level of elevator up, the elevator up were filled with children, meantime turkestan stop, someone up there fell, from top to bottom, poured a blockbuster.

这些组合与苏联中亚布哈拉组、苏扎克组、阿赖组、土尔克斯坦组及利什坦-苏木萨尔组的组合一致。These assemblages correspond respectively with those of Bukhara Formation, SuZak Formation, Alai Formation, Turkestan Formation and Lishitan-Sumusal Formation of middle Asia in USSR.

中国官员事实上一再向他们的巴基斯坦盟友抱怨,因为根据线报,东土耳其斯坦运动秘密基层组织在巴基斯坦部落地区出现。Chinese officials have actually repeatedly complained to their Pakistani counterparts about the presence of East Turkestan Islamic Movement cells reportedly based in Pakistan's tribal areas.

中国官员事实上一再向他们的巴基斯坦盟友抱怨,因为根据线报,东土耳其斯坦运动秘密基层组织在巴基斯坦部落地区出现。Chinese officials have actually repeatedly complained to their Pakistani counterparts about the presence of East Turkestan Islamic Movement cells reportedly based in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

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温家宝强调,包括“东突”在内的恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义“三股势力”日益成为本地区安全与稳定的主要威胁。Wen emphasized that the "three forces", i.e. terrorism, separatism and extremism, including the "East Turkestan", have increasingly become the major threats to regional security and stability.

中国外交部发言人星期四说,达赖喇嘛在讲话中称新疆地区为“东突厥斯坦”,证明了他妄图破坏民族团结。Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said Thursday the Dalai Lama's reference to the Xinjiang region as "East Turkestan" proves the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader wants to sabotage ethnic unity.

发言人姜瑜说,中方希望这些男子在中国被起诉,因为他们是东突恐怖组织的成员,他们在安理会制裁清单上。Spokeswoman Jiang says China wants the men to be prosecuted in China, because they are members of the East Turkestan terrorist organization, which is on a sanction list of the U.N. Security Council.