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我毫不在乎。Not a brass farthing.

该团由一支铜管乐队引导。A brass band led the regiment.

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她正敲着铜钟。She was clanging the brass bell.

低音的黄铜制管乐器。The lowest brass wind instrument.

黄金和黄铜的颜色很相像。Gold is similar in colour to brass.

它烧着黄铜叮叮当当的响。It is noisy burning clanging brass.

是铜管乐器,有时是打击乐器The brass and sometimes percussion.

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如果钻石戒指变成黄铜。And If that dimond righ turns brass.

他的耳朵上戴着一副铜耳环。He sported a pair of brass earrings.

哈哈,这闪闪发亮的铜台灯是怎么回事?Ah ha! What is this shiny brass lamp?

别忙!这样不行。别针是铜做的。Hold on! Don't do that. A pin's brass.

门上装饰了许多铜钉。The door was studded with brass nails.

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铜合金,镀金,镀银,镀锡。Brass alloy, gold, silver & tin plated.

天气潮湿时黄铜很快会失去光泽。Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.

他在管弦乐团里演奏铜管乐器。He plays in the brass of the orchestra.

军乐队游行通过大街。The brass band paraded the main street.

铜制品并镶有凸面不锈钢片。The brass body & stainless steel wafer.

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桌面正中央有一颗小铜星作为标记。A small brass star centred the tabletop.

黄铜由萨克斯男中音,巴黎的CA。Brass baritone by Adolphe Sax, Paris ca.

铜与锌熔合后形成黄铜。Copper and zinc are fused to make brass.