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她也热爱萨拉热窝。She had also loved Sarajevo.

他还曾代表儿基会访问莫斯科和萨拉热窝。He has also visited Moscow and Sarajevo on behalf of Unicef.

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南斯拉夫中部偏西北一城市,位于萨拉热窝西北。A city of northwest-central Yugoslavia northwest of Sarajevo.

自1984年举办冬季奥运会以来,萨拉热窝从没如此看好。SARAJEVO has not looked this good since it hosted the winter Olympics in 1984.

现在,甚至就连悲观的波斯尼亚人也认为萨拉热窝已进入一个历史上的新阶段。Even gloomy Bosnians can see that Sarajevo has entered a new phase in its history.

1997年他成为萨拉热窝多国旅中心的指挥官。In 1997, Budde was made Commander of the Multinational Brigade Centre in Sarajevo.

今天柯林顿总统表示将密切关注萨拉热窝日益恶化的局势…Today president clinton voiced concerns at the deteriorating situation in sarajevo.

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为了1984年的萨拉热窝冬奥会,这列车被披上了一层红色毛毯外衣。The train was redecorated for the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo with a red carpet.

姆拉迪奇围攻萨拉热窝,残酷地炮轰这座城市并饿死那的市民。Shelling the city relentlessly and starving its citizens, Mladic lays siege to Sarajevo.

波斯尼亚首都萨拉热窝,下雪天气,一路行人经过盛开的玉兰。A pedestrian passes a magnolia tree in bloom as it snows in the Bosnian capital Sarajevo.

在和波斯尼亚的战争中,在萨拉热窝,他们在“兄弟友谊与团结”之桥上战斗。In the war in Bosnia, they were fought on the Bridge of Brotherhood and Unity in Sarajevo.

那是在六月底的萨拉热窝,加夫里洛•普林齐普举枪向弗朗茨•斐迪南大公和他的妻子射击。IT WAS LATE JUNE in Sarajevo when Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.

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现在的萨拉热窝很少有树,在三年围城期间,城里的树几乎都被用来当柴烧了。There are few trees in Sarajevo now. They were almost all burnt as firewood during the three-year siege.

尽管位于萨拉热窝的中心,但是阿斯特拉酒店绝对是一家安静、舒适、有品位的酒店,是您最好的选择。Although placed in Sarajevo city centre, Hotel Astra Garni is the oasis of the silence-comfort and good taste.

北约军队在萨拉热窝附近的寓所内逮捕了克拉伊什尼科,现在他被关押在荷兰。Momcilo Krajisnik is in custody in the Netherlands after Nato troops captured him at his home in Pale, near Sarajevo.

这场冲突期间发生了数千波斯尼亚穆斯林死亡的司热布尼卡大屠杀事件和对萨拉热窝长达44个月的血腥围攻。The conflict included the Srebrenica massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslims and a deadly, 44-month siege of Sarajevo.

萨拉热窝的包围开始了,塞尔维亚人、克罗地亚人和穆斯林之间种族斗争波及全国。The siege of Sarajevo started and interethnic fighting between Serbs, Croats and Muslims spread throughout the country.

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战前,他曾是萨拉热窝歌剧团的首席大提琴手,这无疑是一份高尚而又文明的工作。Before the war he had been the principal cellist of the Sarajevo Opera Company-a distinguished and civilized job, no doubt.

同时几百名波斯尼亚塞族在波斯尼亚城市巴尼亚卢卡和萨拉热窝郊区的卢卡维卡集会。Meanwhile several hundred Bosnian Serbs rallied in the Bosnian cityof Banja Luka and in the Sarajevo suburb of Lukavica, AP said.

穆拉迪奇还被指控在萨拉热窝被包围和进攻的3年中犯有指挥和发动战争的罪行。Mr. Mladic is also accused of ordering or carrying out war crimes during the 3 years in which Sarajevo was surrounded and attacked.