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吴说,无论发生是两厢情愿。Wu had said that whatever occurred was consensual.

根据该法律部分内容规定,两厢情愿的性行为也属于犯罪。The parts of the law struck down include consensual sex between adults.

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第二,怎样才能让我的兴趣通过一种安全、理智且两厢情愿的方式实现呢?And second, how can I square my interests with safe, sane, consensual play?

科比承认与原告发生过性关系,但坚持说是两厢情愿的。Mr. Bryant admitted having sex with his accuser but insisted it was consensual.

我知道学生和老师之间双方自愿发生关系意味着什么。I know what a consensual relationship between a pupil and a teacher can feel like.

阿桑齐否认任何错误行为,他确认两起案件都是自愿的。Assange has denied any wrongdoing, asserting that the sex in both cases was consensual.

当然这个过程完全是两厢情愿的,这是内在与星际存有交互的结果。Of course, the process is fully consensual as a result of an inner connection with Star Beings.

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其中包括一人吃他已死的狗、以及远房堂兄妹进行协商一致的性行为。These included a man eating his already-dead dog, and second cousins engaging in consensual sex.

他们风格各异,这一点在管理利己主义的聪明员工时很重要。They are also consensual in style, which is important when managing clever, self-regarding people.

我并没有强迫她,我只是用我的经验说服她接受我的爱,我们是两厢情愿的。I did not force her, I just use my experience to persuade her to accept my love, we are consensual.

其实,找个情妇或者情人是成年人两情相愿的结果。Otherwise having a mistress or lover means it is a consensual relationship by one of the adult partner.

那么,我们是否能够继续推进这些尖端科学,扩大我们的交感理解力范围呢?But will we continue to push forward the frontiers, enlarging the range of our consensual understanding?

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私力救济、公力救济和自力救济,是自我救济权利的三种外在表现形式。Private remedy, public remedy and consensual remedy are three manifestations of such a self-defense right.

阿桑奇称,他所有的性关系都是完全建立在双方自愿的情况下。He said none of his sexual relations had ever been built on anything other than totally consensual activity.

该共识在跨中心统一PPA患者分类的方法方面迈出了重要的一步。This new proposal is a major step towards establishing a consensual terminology and classification schema on PPA.

检控官表示,他们难以反驳卡恩的说法,他和酒店女服务员在酒店的行为是双方自愿的。Prosecutors said they could not disprove his assertion that the encounter with a hotel chambermaid was consensual.

理事会判定他的行为”反映出斯劳特-卡恩的严重错误判断“,但这种关系是两厢情愿的。The board ruled his actions "reflected a serious error of judgment" but that the relationship had been consensual.

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在美国,办公室恋情双方可以签订一个同意关系协定或者更通俗的说就是恋爱合同。In the U. S. , dating co-workers can sign a "consensual relationship agreement, " or more commonly, a "love contract.

本次选举也可以产生一个思想更加独立的议会,促使克里斯蒂娜改变其执政方式使获得更多认同。It may provide a more independent-minded Congress, which could oblige Ms Fernández to start ruling in a more consensual manner.

他的队友那晚甚至不在场,基本说的是他是个好人,却因为两厢情愿的性行为而受到惩罚。His teammates, who were not even involved in that night, basically said he was a great guy and was being punished for consensual sex.