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紧接着进行的骨扫描也许能透露股骨的反常。A follow-up bone scan would reveal an abnormality on his femur—or thighbone.

膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。The knee is the jointswheresthe thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg.

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目的探讨股骨远端各型骨折内固定的方法。Objective To discuss the methods of internal fixation for the distal thighbone fracture.

目的探讨老年股骨粗隆间骨折如何选择固定方法。Objective To discuss how to choose the fixation method for aged thighbone carina space fracture.

对60列带锁髓内钉股骨骨折患者给予密集治疗护理。Locks in the marrow to 60 rows belts the nail thighbone bone fracture patient to give crowded treatment nursing.

目的探讨股骨头缺血坏死的介入治疗及应用MRI诊断的随诊体会。Objective To discuss intervene treatment of end of thighbone necrosis of lack of blood and MRI Follow-up diagnose experience.

恐龙专家曾在暴龙大腿骨中发现了软组织状的物质,这条消息登上了世界各地的头条。Dinosaur experts made headlines around the world when they found what appeared to be soft tissue in a broken Tyrannosaurus rex thighbone.

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参与调查的人员报告,手腕和手部骨折,股骨骨折,脊椎盘下跌和震荡属于急性损伤。Wrist and hand fractures, thighbone fractures, slipped spinal discs and concussions were among the acute injuries study participants reported.

如果大腿旋转不够充分,巨大的压力就这样转移到半月板上--胫骨和大腿骨就像一把巨大的钳子,死命夹住半月板。If the thighbone doesn't rotate enough, you'll apply tremendous pinching pressure to the meniscus—as if your shinbone and thighbone were a giant pair of pliers.

当他站立时,后骹骨垂直于地面。大腿骨向下悬挂着,与从飞节向上引出的虚线相互平行。When the dog is standing with the rear pastern perpendicular to the ground, the thighbone hangs downward parallel to an imaginary line drawn upward from the hock.

所有这些化石都比南方古猿阿法种偏古老一些,也更原始一些,但是从肯尼亚发现的一块胫骨化石和阿萨·艾瑟尔的股骨化石判断,南方古猿湖畔种已经开始直立行走了。All these fossils were a little older and a little more primitive than Au. afarensis, but judging from a shinbone found in Kenya and a thighbone from Asa Issie, Au.

结论切开复位,同时应用DCS及支撑钢板治疗同侧骨远端及胫骨平台骨折可使患者尽早进行功能锻炼,减少关节粘连,提高疗效。Conclusion It' s a efficient way to cure the thighbone and shinbone's fractures in the same side by using DCS and supporting armor plates treating after carving and replacement.

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内腹股沟放松,尾骨内收,虽然骨盆上提,但要将右大腿骨拉向腿筋方向。As the pelvis rises, let the chest follow. Tuck your tailbone as you relax your inner groins. Even though your pelvis lifts, press the right thighbone back toward your hamstrings.

红外热成象技术可以有效地用于股骨头坏死疾病的诊断和针刺治疗效果的评价,效果优于其它常规方法。Infrared imaging can be effectively applied to the diagnosis of thighbone necrosis and evaluation of acupuncture treatment. This method was found to be better than other routine methods.

保持一定的重量在你的前脚球,用你的前大腿拉股骨向上离开前面的膝关节,让你的前侧胫骨轻微的向前运动一些。Maintain some weight toward the ball of your front foot and use your front thigh to pull your thighbone upward out of your front knee, allowing your front shin some slight forward movement.

在本实验条件下,大鼠经8周训练后,股骨长轴成长受到了抑制,且运动量越大越明显。Under the condition of this experiment, after 8-week training the growth of vertical axis of rats' thighbone got restrained, and more the training quantity is , more significant the effect is.

结论并发脊髓损伤的股骨骨折愈合较快,NGF表达明显增强,提示NGF可能具有促进骨折愈合的作用。ConclusionThe thighbone fracture recovers rapidly and NGF in the callus expresses highly in fracture with spinal cord injury group, which suggests that NGF could yield the healing of the fracture.