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万能翻译器?The Universal Translator?

我使用的是翻訳。I use a translator in chinese.

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我是你们的导游兼翻译。I am your guide and translator.

然后构建核心翻译程序。The core translator is then built.

别朝我开火,我只是个译匠。Don't shoot me, I'm only a translator.

国家翻译官拿多少钱呢?。National translator how much money do?

当然有了。我想当一名翻译。Sure I have. I want to be a translator.

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我知道dx转换器有多么的复杂。I know how complex the dx translator is.

当一名优秀翻译家相当难。It is difficult to be a good translator.

你如何开始作为一名译者的工作?How did you start working as a translator?

一个口译人员也可做翻译的工作。Andan interpreter might work asa translator.

我想要去在翻译者身上设立。I wish to go to institute on the translator.

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程序包里转换程序的令牌名称。Token name for the translator within its package.

译者须饮下红与黑。Translator must drink both the Red and the Black.

我们可以安排为您预订一名翻译。We can arrange that and book a translator for you.

你是职业介绍所的翻译?You are the translator from the employment office?

我做英语翻译已经有两年了。I’ve worked as an English translator for two years.

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一个TF2维基繁体中文翻译者。One of the TF2 wiki Traditional Chinese translator.

针对于这类文章的级别,你需要的是一个专业的翻译者。For these levels you need a professional translator.

我们不知道那名翻译员为何会犯下这个错误。We do not know why the translator made that mistake.