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炒一盘菜的意思是?。To saute a dish, means to?

把虾在黄油里嫩煎。Saute the shrimp in butter.

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嫩煎洋葱和大蒜,一直到软了才停止。Saute onion and garlic until soft.

放入洋葱煎软。Add the onion and sauté until soft.

培根和蘑菇在黄油里炒。Saute bacon and mushrooms in butter.

我想吃红烧鱼。I want to eat the sauté fish with brown sauce.

好,我就要牛肉饼,红烧鱼和番茄汤。Well, I'll have beef pie, sauté fish and tomato soup.

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送达新鲜蔬菜,炒土豆和肉汁。Served with fresh vegetables, sauté potatoes and gravy.

加洋葱,大蒜,煎十分钟。Add the onions and garlic and saute for about 10 minutes.

最后加入苦瓜,以中火再炒拌至所有材料熟透即可。Add balsam pear, saute with medium heat until done, serve.

加入萝卜、大�及迷迭香炒5分钟。Add carrot, leek and rosemary, saute for another 5 minutes.

把孜然粒放入煎锅,并开到中高火。Place cumin seeds in a dry sauté pan over medium-high heat.

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烧3汤匙油,爆炒肾片至熟透,取起。Heat 3 tbsps oil in wok, saute giblets until cooked. Remove.

再加入橄榄油和洋葱,然后炒洋葱,直到变成金黄色。Add the oil and onion, and saute the onion until it is golden.

扇贝能够用好几种方式烹饪,烘、烤、炒。There are several ways to cook scallops, bake, broil, and saute.

置一平底煎锅,中低档火候,炒洋葱使其变软。In a saute pan, set over medium-low heat, cook onions until soft.

加入橄榄油、芝麻油或黄油,放在炉子上面炒。Sauté on top of the stove only in olive oil, sesame oil, or butter.

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是我的,我还订了一份清炒虾仁。Yes, It's mine. And I have ordered another dish plain saute shrimps.

传统土耳其嫩烩鸡肉配薯茄,青椒,胡椒,洋葱和蘑菇。TAVUK SOTEChicken meat sauté with tomato. pepper, onion and mushroom.

用2汤匙熏肉熬出的油炒洋葱,炒至透明即可铲起。Saute onion in 2 Tbsp. of bacon fat until transparent, drain and cool.