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一种方法便是呈现One is preference.

择偶偏好又如何?What about mate preference?

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外师年龄的优先选择?。Preference for the FT's age?

外师性别的优先选择?。Preference for the FT's sex?

你真的没有任何偏好。You truly have no preference.

享受超值优惠。Enjoy a best-value preference.

我们情愿选择第二个方案。Our preference would be F. O. B.

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锌金属的偏好。Zinc is the metal of preference.

语言是用户选项里的一项。The langage is a user preference.

每个人都有自己的偏爱。Everyone will have their preference.

外师国籍的优先选择。Preference for the FT's nationality?

其他人有偏好的名字吗?Anybody else has preference like him?

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这真的是工作风格的选择。This is really a work style preference.

像他们一样,我没有选择自己性爱的倾向性。Like them, I didn't choose my preference.

你们填好各自的想加入的小组。And you'll put in your section preference.

我们将优先向你们报盘。We’ll give you the preference of our offer.

我喜欢看超现实主义的小说。I have a preference for surrealistic novels.

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瞧那长在地里的玉米!Look preference corn standing in the fields!

优选配置的值分为两个部分。The value for this preference has two parts.

你可老是偏爱她。But you are always giving her the preference.