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我的梦想是收集一百万个咖啡杯子。My dream is to amass one million coffee mugs.

他正打算积蓄财富以备不时之需。He is planning to amass a fortune for a rainy day.

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攒一百元钱我需要二年时间。It would take me two years to amass a hundred dollars.

苹果公司无疑拥有足够财力来积聚大量无线技术专利。Apple can certainly afford to amass a huge wireless patent portfolio.

选择从故事模式或清道夫模式,以积聚财富在战利品!Choose from Story Mode or Scavenger Mode to amass a fortune in booty!

人们喜欢收藏东西,有时并没有意识到自己在这样做。People tend to amass possessions,sometimes without being aware of doing so.

新的服务有助于脸谱积累更多的用户偏好的数据。The new services will help Facebook amass even more data on its users’ tastes.

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再者,我将让其他人设法积累9、10或11位数字的净值。Moreover, I will let others try to amass nine, ten or eleven figure net worths.

中国与19世纪的欧洲大国不同,中国现在不寻求大量的殖民地。Unlike the 19th-century European powers, it is not looking to amass new colonies.

在朗·舍武的帮助下,本手收集到大量对杰森不利的证据。With the help of Lon Shevu, Ben was able to amass evidence pointing to Jacen's guilt.

正在崛起的国家在积累财富和地缘政治影响力也拒绝承担这些费用。Countries on the rise amass wealth and geopolitical clout by refusing to bear those costs.

Spotify希望在赴美运营的的第一年里就能积聚超过5,000万名用户。The company hopes to amass 50 million more users during its first year of U.S. operations.

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春联的内容常以发家致富和吉祥喜庆为主。Spring Festival couplets content often in the hair house amass and auspicious festive primarily.

不知道积攒多少次,才能勉强打出点麦粒,磨成面,吃上一顿“白的”。I don't know how many times I should amass only to thresh and ground wheat to flour to have a "white".

另外,以色列继续在加沙周边地区集结地面部队,为可能发动地面进攻做准备。And, Israel continues to amass ground troops around Gaza in preparation for a possible ground offensive.

另据泗洪官方称,到后期有人打着石国豹名义聚敛资金。According to the Sihong official said, to the late was the name of the name of Shi Guobao to amass money.

当然,那些为贪欲所蒙蔽双眼的人们不择手段敛取他们的财富也是常见的。And it is common that those who are blinded by greed will resort to unscrupulous means to amass their fortunes.

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那些央行加入了淘金行列,与一众交易所基金的投资者竞逐。They're joining a rush as investors in exchange-traded funds amass holdings to rival the biggest central banks.

随着兄弟姐妹搞规模的扩大和资金力量的增强,咱们将征集新的投入资金者,筹集到足够的资金,将咱们的饭店整修一新。With we increased scal or financial power, we can amass new investors or raise ample funds to renovate the old hotel.

我一眼便看出他是一个笨蛋,不过笨蛋有时却具有聚起一大笔财富的天赋。I could see from first glance that he was a half-wit, but then half wits sometimes have the genius to amass a fortune.