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谁是最可靠的报刊经售人?Who's the most dependable newsagent?

最近发生的一股从报刊那里进行偷窃的浪潮。There has been a wave of theft from newsagent.

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最近发生的一股从报刊经销人那里进行偷窃的浪潮。There has been a wave of theft from newsagent.

那家报刊经销商销售所有电脑月刊。The newsagent sells all the computer monthlies.

那个银行在拐角处,报刊销售亭对面。The bank in on the corner. It's opposite the newsagent.

那家银行在角落里,报社的对面。The bank is on the corner. It, s opposite the newsagent.

WHS的交易已经1792年以来,作为报摊和文具。WHS has been trading since 1792 as a newsagent and stationer.

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那么,我猜我的下一个任务就是去报刊亭,买些汽车杂志啦。So, I guess my next job is to go to the newsagent and buy some car magazines.

或者在你买报纸的时候可以惬意地和报摊老板闲聊几句。Or when you buy a newspaper, take the time to have a friendly chat with the newsagent.

在英国,报刊批发商习惯将投递早报的任务交给报童。In Britain it is a custom for a newsagent to hire boys and girls to deliver the morning papers.

你看看,看看新闻通讯社努力投入杂志出版商在封面设计。Check out your newsagent and see what effort magazine publishers put into the design of their front covers.

从今天起,开始寻找服务过你的人,像你的邮递员,送报员.From today onwards, begin to find out the name of the people who serve you such as your postman and newsagent.

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校园内还有超市、面包店、书局、期刊经销商、美发院和两个银行。Campus facilities include a supermarket, a bakery, a bookshop and a newsagent , a hairdresser, a post office and two banks.

例如,我们都知道,人们在火车站台或机场休息室的报刊亭里会选择不同的读物。For example, we've always known that people choose different things to read in the newsagent on the railway platform or in the airport departure lounge.

突然之间,一位一直贷款给当地报贩的银行家,开始接到摩根大通的来访,讨论进行10年期的美元互换。All of a sudden you've got a banker who's used to lending money to his local newsagent , and then he's getting visits from JP Morgan about doing dollar swaps over 10 years.