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他是卡拉巴司侯爵。He is the Marquis of Carabas.

这位侯爵是艺术的大恩主。The marquis is a great patron of art.

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侯爵是欧洲的一种贵族头衔Marquis is a European title of nobility

王太后说给王貅封一个侯爵就是。The queen said to Wang Xiufeng is a marquis.

以后还请侯爵多多关照。After Marquis also invited a lot of attention.

欢迎来到卡拉巴斯侯爵的城堡!Welcome to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas!

对不起,请问怎样才能到武侯祠?。Excuse me. How can l get to Temple of Marquis Wu?

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狗一样地壆,绅士一样地玩。The dog equally study, the marquis equally plays.

侯爵挽起了他的手臂,同他一起走出客厅。The marquis took his arm, and they left the salon.

这侯爵穿上华服看起来非常英俊。The marquis looked very handsome in the fine clothes.

“它们属于卡拉巴斯侯爵所有,”他们回答说。They belong to the Marquis of Carabas, " they replied."

为何钴党卫军和大侯爵贬值如此之多?Why do the Cobalt and Grand Marquis lose so much value?

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以雪佛兰的钴党卫军和水星大侯爵为例。Take the Chevrolet Cobalt and the Mercury Grand Marquis.

因为他和科里、马奎斯一样,也患上了低体温症,但他并没有暴躁不安,只是显得非常虚弱。He was developing the same symptoms as Corey and Marquis.

侯爵问,他已经注意到维尔福满脸愁云。Asked the marquis , remarking the cloud on villefort s brow.

他现在能担得起一条欺君之罪么?Can he can bear duty the offense of a mendacity marquis now?

安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist.

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安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。The marquis de montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist.

昭僖候这下子想通了,清楚地知道自己应该怎么做。The marquis was enlightened and knew clearly what he should do.

这对于马奎斯丹尼尔斯是一个很好的机会。There's a good chance that Marquis Daniels will be one of them.