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他偷偷地拿掉了粘在我衣摆上的口香糖。He covertly removed the chewing gum from my hem.

而刘炜庭院里的布置,却也抑扬顿挫,暗合音律。Liu Wei courtyards and layout, but also voice, though covertly.

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他不雅地清个不停,弄得我们两个人都偷偷地乐了。Persisting in this indelicate operation, he had us both covertly hilarious.

而与此同时,胡安娜的父亲与丈夫私底下共谋篡夺她的皇位。Concurrently, her father and husband covertly conspired to usurp her throne.

就是你偷偷摸摸地去和她约会又怕妻子撞见的女人。Is you covertly goes to and her appointment feared the wife bumps into woman.

这个地区在当时是各机构明争暗夺的最前沿。The region was then at the frontline of proxy wars waged either openly or covertly.

一个可能的任务用于一艘SSGN将会支持和发射UUV去中立隐蔽地布雷。A possible mission for an SSGN would be to support and launch UUVs to neutralise mines covertly.

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基地组织的结构越不健全,它就越秘密运行并发动攻击。The more uncertain the structure, the harder it is for them to operate covertly and plan attacks.

西方国家怀疑伊朗有意发展核子武器,但伊朗加以否认.The West suspects the Islamic state is covertly seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies it.

这项购买是苏联战略计划的一部分,用于盗窃或秘密获取敏感的美国技术。The purchase was part of a strategic Soviet plan to steal or covertly obtain sensitive U.S. technology.

业内估计,沪上至少有20余家贷款中介或明或暗从事这一业务。Industry estimates, at least 20 more credit intermediation Hushang overtly or covertly involved in the business.

这些爆炸中包括热核,中子弹,和1990年5月26日秘密为巴基斯坦爆炸的原子弹。They included thermonuclear blasts, neutron bombs and an atomic bomb covertly tested for Pakistan on May 26, 1990.

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小凤和家丁大壮相爱,却被奶奶反对,只能偷偷摸摸相见。Small phoenix love each other with domestic Ding Dazhuang, be objected by the grandma however, can meet covertly only.

未来这一系统可以被秘密应用于警察局或者边境官员对犯罪嫌疑人或恐怖分子的审讯。In future the system could be used covertly by police and border officials questioning suspect criminals or terrorists.

反之,这些寄生虫一样的公司暗地跟踪我们的上网活动,寻找消费行为和地理位置信息,并对数百万消费者的此类海量数据进行分析,从而构建数据档案。Instead, these parasitic firms covertly track our web-browsing activities, search behavior and geolocation information.

遗憾的是,为了保住财政收入的增长,一些地方政府仍在明里暗里帮助开发商。Unfortunately, in order to maintain revenue growth, some local governments are overtly or covertly , to help developers.

在这种情况下,萨拉认为,外星政治正在被大部分的主要的世界权力秘密地实践着。At this point, Salla believes, it appears that exopolitics is being covertly practiced by most of the major world powers.

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作为一名西方记者在朝鲜躲躲闪闪地,或是乔装改扮着旅行给他们带来的危险同行动本身一样多的危险。The hazards of journeying to the DPKR as a Western journalist, covertly or in plain sight, are as numerous as they are dire.

霍恩和他的同事耶拉·韦西里、吉尔·巴斯特拉不想成为洛尔的牺牲品,因此秘密地逃出了科雷利亚。Not wanting to be a victim of Loor's treachery, Horn and fellow officers Iella Wessiri and Gil Bastra covertly fled Corellia.

他说,这个角色是古代的作家们,秘密授予的,是古代的作家们,秘密授予的,他在第十八章中说。This role," he says, "was taught covertly by ancient writers. It was taught covertly by ancient writers," he says in chapter 18.