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不要做个询问者。Don't be an inquisitor.

你一定不愿意跟“检察官”谈吧。You're gonna love talking to the inquisitor.

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大检察官站在门口问。The Grand Inquisitor was standing at the doorway.

莱昂纳斯将身体向检察官靠近了一些。Leonus motioned for the Inquisitor to come closer.

布鲁诺的法庭审判官是巴拉敏大人,记住他!Bruno's Inquisitor was the Reverend Robert Bellarmine.

第二章是对“宗教大法官”故事的分析。The second chapter is the analysis of "Grand Inquisitor".

克劳利陛下这是什么意思?”大检察官还在问。"D-R? What does it mean Lord Crowley?" asked the Inquisitor.

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法官把两手放在地上,看着对方。The judge placed his hands on the ground. He looked at his inquisitor.

其他值得提起的新功能就是这款工具条整合了Inquisitor。The other new feature of note is the toolbar's Inquisitor integration.

在漫长的历史中,审查制度和审查官们总会失败。In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost.

在历史的长河中,审查制度和审查官总是迷失了方向。In the long run of history, the censorship and the inquisitor hae always lost.

在历史的长河中,审查制度和审查官总是迷失了方向。In the long run of history, the censorship and the inquisitor have always lost.

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美国联邦检察官凯瑟琳公布了这一和解协议。Kathleen announced American confederative inquisitor this reconciles agreement.

通常,盘问型的面试官相信充满压力的面试能掘出一个求职者隐藏的品质。Often, the Inquisitor believes a stressful interview unearths a candidate's hidden qualities.

作为该案的检察官,胜浩介入其中,再次和东植相见。Regard this as the inquisitor of the case, sheng Hao intervenes among them, mix again east establish meets.

关于这一点,这个主要执行审查人员盯着您问了您一个您不知所措的问题。At this point, the grand executive inquisitor looks at you and asks a question for which you have no answer.

“文字?我没有看到什么文字,这个烙在你手臂的印记看上去象某种神秘的符号啊,”检察官说。"Letters? I see no letters, it looks as if some arcane symbol has been burned into your arm, " said the Inquisitor.

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最后,论述了在我国建立检察官参与家事诉讼的必要性和可行性。Finally, I also dissertate the necessity and feasibility of setting up a system for inquisitor to participate family trial.

尼采说上帝死了,陀思妥耶夫斯基的宗教法庭审判官声称,当上帝死亡时一切事物都是允许的Nietzsche announced the death of God and Dostoyevsky's Grand Inquisitor asserted that when God is dead all things are permitted.

他们再次被袭击,安东发现他曾经的朋友,宗教裁判埃德加是那个神秘的他者三人组中的一个。They are attacked again and Anton learns that his one-time friend, the Inquisitor Edgar, is one of the mysterious trio of Others.