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检察官德鲁罗宾逊惊呆了。Prosecutor Drew Robinson was stunned.

巴西亚马孙州检察官若昂?Brazil's Amazon state prosecutor Joao?

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检察官大声要求判以死刑。The prosecutor bayed for a death penalty.

公诉人正在宣读一份长达73页的起诉书。Prosecutor is to read a 73-page indictment.

我是第一个被带到检察官面前的人。I was the first to go before the prosecutor.

原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。The prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud.

但控方并不为之所动。The prosecutor wasn't swayed by that argument.

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检察官称被拘犯杀害洛伊丝属实。The prosecutor averred that the prisoner killed Lois.

毕竟,斯皮策的检察官职位使他受益匪浅。After all, Spitzer had graduated from his role as prosecutor.

例如,你可以当法官,检察官,或律师。For instance, you could be a judge, a prosecutor or a lawyer.

公诉人然后开始庭审的最关键部分,即传唤证人。Then the prosecutor begins the most critical part of the trial.

伊斯坦堡首席检察官恩金在现场说。Istanbul chief prosecutor Ayhurt Cengiz Engin spoke at the scene.

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霍恩的公诉人比较机敏。难道这还不够吗?为什么要把她“母性化”呢?Hone's prosecutor is smart. Isn't that enough? Why motherize’her?

检察官索尼亚·利格曼说,她将尽快处理此案。Prosecutor Sonja Seligmann said she would soon rule on the matter.

北卡罗来那州最高检察官判定没有发生性侵犯。The top prosecutor in North Carolina concludes no attack occurred.

在许多国家,政府检察官可以提起刑事诽谤诉讼。In many countries, a state prosecutor can bring a criminal libel suit.

而爱斯特米洛娃,总会立即帮她们给当地的检举人写去控诉的信件。Estemirova would immediately fire off a letter to the local prosecutor.

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如果检察官很能演的话,你就可能被定罪。You can be convicted based upon how good of an actor the prosecutor is.

军法检察官也就是被任命为军事法庭检察官的那个人。Advocate is a person appointed to act as prosecutor at a court- martial.

经过三轮调解,原告终于答应息诉了。After three mediations, the prosecutor finally agreed to appeal no more.