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我们这里没有唯一的历史、唯一的诗学。There is no one history here and no one poetics.

这些都体现出谢氏诗学内在的矛盾性。All of them show the contradiction of Xie Zhen' a poetics.

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柏拉图的诗论具有原创性,对后世影响深远。Plato's poetics are original and far-reaching in the world.

文章扼要评述了戴望舒的诗论。This paper briefly comments on the poetics of Dai Wang-shu.

陈三立之诗学旨趣,散见于其存世的各种文字之中。Chen Sanli's poetics scattered among the various characters.

自传体小说是女性主义诗学的重要组成部分。Autobiography is one of the important part of feminist poetics.

诗学文化学是「诗学」中体现的文化学理论。The Poetics Culturology is the theory of Culturology in Poetics.

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俄国形式主义者是诗学革命的发起者。The Russian Formalists were sponsors of a revolution in poetics.

模糊诗学的哲学基础是唯物辩证法。The philosophic basis of fuzzy poetics is materialist dialectics.

本文旨在论述李梦阳的「诗学体系」。This paper aims to expound on Meng-yang Li's "system of poetics ."

他的诗学是强调整体论的生态诗学。His poetics is an ecological poetics, laying emphasis on the unity.

文学能力在结构主义诗学中的地位如何?。How about the position of literary competence in Structuralist Poetics?

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包世臣诗论的核心,是儒家的诗教原则。The core of Bao Shi-chen's poetics is poetic principle of Confucianism.

创造性模仿是亚里士多德诗学理论中的核心概念。Aristotle's whole conception of poetics theory is creationary imitation.

由于历史的原因,他的诗论一直没有得到应有的重视。Due to historical reasons, his poetics has not been given due attention.

这种的诗节在雪莱的诗中很多方面是破格的。A stanza of this sort is in many respects anomalous in Shelley's poetics.

刘勰诗学观在他的整个文学理论体系中据有重要一席。Liuxie Poetics holds a significant position in his entire literary theory.

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刘勰诗学观在他的整个文学理论体系中据有重要席位。Liuxie poetics holds a significant position in his entire literary theory.

不管是谁,只要读了这位希腊哲学家所著诗选的第二卷,最终都会死于非命。Whoever reads the Greek philosopher's Second Book of Poetics ends up dead.

拙劣模仿,先锋派,奥利弗古龙都的诗学颠覆。Parody, the Avant-Garde, and the Poetics of Subversion in Oliverio Girondo.