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这个国家的经济以迅雷不及掩耳的速度发展起来。This country 's economy has been developing at breakneck speed.

美国正在以非常危险的速度消耗自己重要的能源。America is weaning itself off imported energy at breakneck speed.

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贾樟柯发现了中国极速增长中的冷静时刻。Jia Zhangke finds the calmer moments in China's breakneck growth.

在所有发展中国家,城市正以危险的高速度发展。Across the developing world, cities are growing at breakneck speed.

而且,所有这些设施都以惊人的速度建成。Moreover, all of these facilities have been built at breakneck speed.

人民币存款疾速增长的暂缓可能让一些人舒了口气。A pause in the breakneck growth of yuan deposits may be a relief to some.

极快的大规模项目步伐已经引发安全问题。The breakneck pace of the massive project had already caused safety concerns.

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这样快速与危险的发展,使得政府和旅游业界感到忧心。The breakneck development has the government and even the tourism industry worried.

市场上相关的程序和主要的系统正以极快的速度发展。Relevant processes and key applications on the market are developing at breakneck speed.

大陆经济的强劲增长也带动了香港经济的繁荣昌盛。Hong Kong's economy has boomed on the back of breakneck economic growth in Mainland China.

因为他们希望增强发电能力,以免影响国内经济飞速发展。It wants to add electricity-generating capacity, lest China's breakneck growth be impeded.

经过十年的迅速扩张后,美国的大型零售商都开始用力的急刹车。After a decade of breakneck expansion, big retail chains are slamming on the brakes — hard.

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就目前为止,我们看到的只是一次从去年十月开始的发展缓慢的惊人的经济衰退。So far, all we've seen is a slowing of the breakneck economic decline that began in October.

只重视物质财富,不重视精神凝聚力,对一个民族来说是非常危险的事。Value corporeal money only, ignored spirit cohesive affinity, it is breakneck to a nation thing.

工程队在高耸的吊车上紧张地作业,一座座高楼以迅雷不及掩耳的速度拔地而起。Construction crews on high, high cranes were busy building more of the towers at breakneck speed.

尽管中国政府努力遏制增长,但极速扩张仍在继续。Despite the Chinese government's efforts to dampen growth, the breakneck expansion has continued.

飞速的经济增长会带来自身的问题,这已经是一个公理。It is by now an axiom that a generation of breakneck economic growth has brought its own problems.

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美国研究人员表示中国经济发展造成的环境负面影响已经跨越了国界。The environmental impact of China's breakneck economic growth is being felt well beyond its borders.

中国正以惊险的速度推进工业化,对能源的胃口以前所未有的速度急剧膨胀。China is industrialising at breakneck speed, swelling its appetite for energy at an unprecedented rate.

在库尔舍韦勒滑雪度假的一周时间里,这对情侣骑着雪地摩托,在法国境内的阿尔卑斯山脉尽情驰骋,享受着刺激的旅程。The couple took off on a breakneck tour of the French Alps during their week's skiing holiday in Courchevel.