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戴夫菲尔.沃森的电话。DAVE Phil Watson's phone.

艾咪和菲尔两个我们都喜欢。We like Amy and Phil both.

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他把文件扔给菲尔。He tosses the document to Phil.

工党领袖菲尔。哥夫表示同意。Labour leader Phil Goff agreed.

菲尔获得头奖。Phil was awarded the top prize.

谢谢你的到来,菲尔。Thank you for being here, Phil.

现在人们叫做哲学杂志。People just know it as Phil Mag.

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菲尔·默塞尔从悉尼发回报道。From Sydney, Phil Mercer reports.

艾利克能跑得和菲尔一样快吗?。Can Eric run as fast as Phil does?

我的第一想法是菲尔-杰克逊。My first thought was Phil Jackson.

布拉德利库珀是党的爱好菲尔。Bradley Cooper is party-loving Phil.

菲尔签约在一家律师事务所当见习生。Phil was articled to a firm of lawyers.

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他是A型血,天生易得心脏病。Phil was a Type A, heart-attack natural.

菲尔是A型行为者,天生易得心脏病。Phil was a Type A, a heart-attack natural.

普克托尼克菲尔有个令令人敬畏的头衔Punxsutawney Phil has an awesome full title

到了7点半,巴士教父菲尔把我们叫醒了。At 7.30am, we are woken by Phil the bus god.

菲尔在摇滚乐团担任吉他手…Phil plays the guitar in a rock and roll band.

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对于菲尔-杰克逊来说,结束只不过就是结束。The end, for Phil Jackson, was simply the end.

艾舍斯特马上看到菲尔出了毛病。Ashurst saw at once that Phil was not all right.

还有波波维奇比杰克逊更强调防守。And Pop preaches defense a little more than Phil.