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嫉妒可使我们对自己的命运不满。Envy may dissatisfy us with our lot.

嫉妒可使我们对自己的命运不满足。Envy may dissatisfy us with our lot.

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更多或另外一些,它们仍然不满足。More or other, they still dissatisfy.

顾客感知不满意且需要程度不高的价值。The value of customer apperceived dissatisfy and needless.

第三,美国反恐中的“单边主义”行为和扩大化倾向令盟国极为不满。American's unilateralism act in fighting terrorism and its expansion tendency dissatisfy American's allied countries.

你不满意的是你工作的内容,公司文化,还是公司同事呢?Are your dissatisfy actions related to the content of your work your company culture or the people with whom you work?

在一个讲究包装的社会里,我们常禁不住羡慕别人光鲜华丽的外表,而对自己的欠缺耿耿于怀。In such a society which stress on images so much, we often can not help envy others' glorious appearance, and dissatisfy with ourselves.

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这学习是到调查样子的个人办理那是最多的可能的到满足或不满消费者。The focus of this study was to investigate the aspects of individual transactions that are most likely to satisfy or dissatisfy customers.

目前,中国地方博物馆基本陈列普遍存在着模式单一、众馆一面的问题,极大影响了博物馆功能作用的发挥。Nowadays, most of the regional museums are facing a disappointing situation that their permanent exhibitions seem to be lack of individuation and dissatisfy people.

高校学报“大拼盘”的办刊模式,读者面窄,覆盖面宽,不利于反映学科优势,满足不了科研人员学术研究的需要。The pattern of "big assorted"for university journal made the narrow readers and wide cover, so that it can not reflect the branch of learning and dissatisfy the need of scientific research.