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在学习上,死记硬背是一种低效的方法。Rote memorization is an inefficient way to learn.

默记是一种非常实在的基础的思维模式。Memorization is a very concrete, basic form of thinking.

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“押韵法”也是一种相当古老并且流行的记忆法。This is also one of the popular and oldest methods in memorization.

这样可以减少你的记忆量,帮助你更快的学习。This reduces the burden of memorization and helps you learn faster.

文本写入的字元为容易记忆的三胞胎。The text is written in triplets of characters for easy memorization.

唯一的一次强制演讲也成了机械背诵练习。The one mandatory speech class became an exercise in rote memorization.

台湾学生最经常使用的方法就是死背单字。The most common method Taiwanese learners employ to remember vocab is memorization.

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口述史的操演是一种“立体的”社会记忆。The performance of oral history is a kind of three-dimensional social memorization.

在大学学习比高中需要更多的阅读和思考,更少的默记。Studying in college demands more reading and thinking, less memorization than in high school.

学习历史切忌按时间顺序去死记硬背那些历史日期或名称。History need not be learned in chronological order or require memorization of dates and names.

所有动乱中留存下来的一个传统就是对死记硬背的反复强调。One feature that has survived all the upheaval is the traditional emphasis on rote memorization.

进行一些需要有复杂记忆步骤的活动能锻炼大脑。Performing activities that require the memorization of complex steps will help exercise the brain.

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心理学家也可以帮助确定最适于记忆经典文本的年龄。Psychologists could also identify the key ages that best allow for the memorization of classical texts.

一个有着很高记忆力能想起很多事实的学生能够在考试之中获得高分。A student with a high power of memorization and recollecting facts may score high marks at examinations.

对于需要按部就班与死记硬背的科目,INJ儿童通常表现不佳。INJ children don't do well with tasks that require following prescribed steps in a plan or rote memorization.

与此同时,学生继续被迫死记硬背,机械式地完成各种学习任务,继续在教室里履行公事似的完成学业。Concomitantly, students are compelled to perform rote tasks of memorization and conform to classroom routines.

而且遭到学生的抵触,这也是考试舞弊屡禁不绝的深层原因。Closed examination is mainly to test students' mechanical memorization and encounters the students' resistance.

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因为它立刻使人注重强记事实,而忽略了鉴别力的发展。For it immediately throws the emphasis on memorization of facts rather than on the development of taste or judgment.

请记住,你对这个地方的细节的再现越鲜明,你就能越有效地记忆。Remember that the more vividly you can visualize that place’s details, the more effective your memorization will be.

你在书中谈到教育理念,死记硬背以及类似的东西,我们在哪些方面的做法是错误的?You talk a little bit about educational policies and rote memorization and those sorts of things.What are we doing wrong?