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这就是你们这群肮脏的佣兵能做的极限?So this is the best you mangy mercenaries can do?

污秽的骆驼四处游荡,用鼻子蹭着裸露的树梢。Mangy camelsrange, nuzzling the denuded tops of trees.

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你那卑鄙的猎犬又让我损失了一桶牛奶!That mangy hound of yours just cost me a bucket of milk!

每次回来的时候,他们都给我带很多东西。Every time they come back, they bring mangy things to me.

那狗长着疥癣,饥饿不堪,大小跟那团湿漉漉的东西一样。He was mangy and starving and just the size of the lump in question.

他往油里跳时,黑色假发脱落下来,露出了光秃秃的脑袋瓜儿。Also his black wig had flown off when he leaped, revealing his mangy head.

或者,他们可以在梅吉.穆斯沙龙吃晚餐,并聆听现场音乐会。Or they can eat dinner and listen to live music at the Mangy Moose Saloon.

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“癞皮狗,你骂谁?”王胡轻蔑的抬起眼来说。" Mangy dog, who are you calling names?" Whiskers Wang looked up contemptuously.

有好多不同的选择,比如,按摩,针灸和吃草药啊。There are mangy different options like massage, acupuncture, and herbal remedies.

同学研读剧本,癞痢狗穿梭觅食,互不干扰。Theater students reading a script are oblivious to a mangy dog searching for his dinner.

地上因为油腻而打滑,几只脏狗在我脚边嗅来嗅去,可我根本没心情去理它们。The ground is slick with grease and mangy dogs sniff around my feet, but I’m too ruined to care.

这是因为在野营园地正有一窝浑身污浊的狐狸入驻,而我就正睡在自己的袜子里。This was because there was a family of mangy foxes stalking the campsite and I slept in my socks.

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满是泥泞的街道上有间老餐厅,在昏暗的一角有个桌子正玩著牌。那只给我这个烂名字的脏野狗正也坐在那一桌里。At an old saloon on a street of mud, There at a table, dealing stud, Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me "Sue."

虽然体毛蓬乱、疥癣满身、秃斑处处,他仍是汤姆放学回家第一个要过问的东西。And although ragged, mangy and bald in patches, he's been the first thing Tom asks after when he gets home from school.

我把手放在它肩上,它长着疥癣的尾巴有气无力地拍了一下不锈钢检查桌。I put my hand on the dog's shoulder. His mangy tail thumped28 weakly against the stainless steel table. I sighed loudly.

孤子也是一种“微观粒子”,有许多独特的性质,在许多科学领域中获得了重要的应用。Soliton is also a kind of "micro-particle" with lots of unique characteristics, and it has been applied to mangy fields.

或者人们也可以在肮脏麋鹿沙龙里享用晚餐并聆听现场音乐。那儿有一头巨大的死麋鹿从天花板上吊下来。Or they can eat dinner and listen to live music at the Mangy Moose Saloon. There, a large dead moose hangs from the ceiling.

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他们走到树林里时,这两个家伙拔出刀来,刺死了年轻人。原来,他们是瘌痢头雇用的凶手。When they got to the woods, the two fellows, who were assassins hired by the mangy one, drew their knives and cut the youth's throat.

湿浊的热气在屋子里像癫皮狗一样东游西蹿着,电灯泡上果然浮着一层鱼卵般的水珠。The sultry and steamy air lingered like a mangy dog running about in the room. The bulb was surely covered with roe-like beads of water.

人间处处有真情,因为有四面八方的支援,我们才能战胜这次灾难。There is kindness to be found everywhere. Now that mangy people stretched out their hands for the aid , we can the conquest of difficulties.