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我必须认识他的保证人。I must know his voucher.

这是给您的赠券,因为您打了个幸运分。Here is a voucher for your lucky score.

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请在凭单上用首字母签名。Would you mind initialing this voucher?

我可以用这张餐券付餐费吗?。Can I use this voucher to pay for my meal?

准备会计凭证制作工资表。Prepare journal voucher to take up? payroll.

您可以用餐券付费给客房服务部。You may use a meal voucher for room service.

凭用餐代金券在太阳村食堂就餐。Meals are only provided with voucher payment.

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我明白了,我可以用这张餐券付帐吗?Well, I see. Can I use this voucher to pay the bill?

凭证复核员在请款单上签字确认。Voucher auditor signs on the correct payment request.

是的。它将涵盖所有费用与我们的凭单。Yes. It will cover all the expenses with our voucher.

按付款凭证所列金额正确支付现金、启付款凭证。Issue payment in accordance to payment voucher amount.

这是给您的那一份收款单,这是您的收据。Here is you r copy of voucher and this is your receipt.

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你们需要提前签一下信用卡的单据。We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance.

连续入住两晚即可获赠免费高级房券一张。Staying two nights get one superior room voucher for free.

帕哈甘吉市场里有很多充值中心。There're a lot of voucher centres in the Paharganj market.

我打算填写一张卖单,卖出我手里的所有股票。I am going to fill a voucher of sale and sell all my shares.

一个凭单系统帮助维护控制现金支付。A voucher system hel maintain control over cash di ursements.

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你有也要指定一多栏式日记帐和一凭证。You have also to specify an analytical journal and a voucher.

必须具备所需条件方可获发凭证。You must satisfy the required conditions to get your voucher.

这是我的荣幸,先生。请问您带订房凭单了吗?It's my pleasure, sir, Do you have the hotel voucher with you?