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巨大无翼鸟群飞越纽西兰南岛。The moa browsed in giant wingless herds across the southern island.

中国气象电台预警显示,若旱情继续,更多的小麦作物将死亡。The MOA warned that more wheat crop could perish if drought continues to linger.

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介绍了BP神经网络在MOA故障诊断中的应用情况。A new application of BP neural-network to MOA fault diagnosis is introduced in this paper.

监测流过MOA的阻性电流可以及时的发现其老化或劣化现象。Fault and aging of MOA can be found timely through on-line resistive leakage current monitoring system.

农业部派了12组的专家前往受旱省市,指导农民抗旱工作。MOA has sent 12 working teams of experts to the drought-hit provinces, to help farmers on drought relief work.

卫生部和农业部已经请求派遣由世卫组织、粮农组织、国际兽疫局联合组成的工作组,对疫情应对工作提供支持。The MoH and MoA have requested the support of a joint WHO, FAO, OIE mission to support outbreak response efforts.

超高压MOA的电位分布严重影响着电阻片的工作荷电率,局部荷电率过高会引起MOA加速老化和热崩溃。The potential distribution of MOA in EHV power systems seriously affects the electric load rate of ZnO resistors in MOA.

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摩亚恐鸟是生存在新西兰岛的另一种巨型鸟,同样缺乏进攻性,由于人类的捕杀已于18世纪灭绝。The moa was another flightless giant bird that lived in New Zealand until it was hunted to extinction in the 18th century.

目前,检测避雷器的方法主要有周期性停电预试、带电测试和在线监测等。Now there are some methods of MOA testing such as regularly de-energized testing, energized testing and on-line monitoring.

同时,还介绍了一种只从氧化锌避雷器取信号测量阻性电流的新方法。Mean while, a new method of measuring the resistive cur-rent by means of collecting the signal only from MOA was introduced.

但选用何种型式的四星型MOA则取决于真空断路器所开断的负荷种类。But, selection of type of the four-star connection MOA depended on kind of load switched off and on by the vacuum disconnector.

提取的基因信息进一步证实,“摩亚”恐鸟以及重达半吨、高近10英尺的象鸟也就灭绝于数世纪前。Genetic material was pinpointed for the giant moa and 10ft tall, half tonne elephant birds that died out hundreds of years ago.

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通过本模型,可以获得比较准确的MOA运行参数,有助于开发MOA在线监测系统。In this way, on-line detecting MOAs parameters can be better obtained. This model is helpful for developing MOA monitoring system.

农业部也呼吁各地政府采取措施为菜农寻找新的市场,稳定蔬菜生产。The MOA has also called on local governments to take measures to help farmers find new markets and stabilize vegetable production.

农业部派了12组的专家前往受旱省市,指导农民抗旱工作。MOA has sent 12 working groups of experts to the drought-hit provinces, abercrombie milano, to help farmers ashore drought relief work.

恐鸟咖啡馆火焰在说明被利用增加火焰的效果,但是在另一水平上增强博物馆的身份。The MOA Cafe flame was utilized in the illustration to add the effect of flames , but to reinforce the museum's identity on another level.

选用四星型MOA作为限制真空断路器操作过电压的主保护器,效果十分明显。The effect was obvious to select four-star connection MOA was a main protector to limit overvoltage in operation of a vacuum disconnector.

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该装置可以对运行中MOA的各项参数进行全面的在线监测,并且排除了相间干扰对测量的影响。This instrument can on-line monitor all kinds of parameters of MOA in serve. It can also eliminate the interference among different phases.

提出了一种三相电流法测量阻性电流,并在理论分析的基础上,研制了MOA带电测量装置。A three-phase current method is presented to measure resistive current, based on which an electrified measuring instrument for MOA is developed.

委员会办公室设在农业部种植业管理司,负责委员会的日常工作。The Office of the Commission is set up in the MOA Department of Plantation Management, which shall be in charge of the routine work of the Commission.