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咖啡馆式的图书架。The Cafe Shelf.

我在咖啡馆工作。I work in the cafe.

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如在吕克酒店的烛光里。In Rick's candle-lit cafe.

你知道感恩咖啡吗?Do you know Cafe Gratitude?

有时候也来亚珀坐坐吧!Stop by Ya-Po Cafe sometimes.

今天他正坐在肮脏的咖啡馆里。Today he is in a sordid café.

我们找到了一个咖啡馆坐下。We found a cafe and sat down.

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她是咖啡馆社交界的宠儿。She was the darling of cafe society.

这家咖啡馆一直开到深夜。This cafe keeps late into the night.

附近一家咖啡厅里的结婚典礼。Wedding celebration in a cafe nearby.

但是今天我又看到他,在鞋店外面,咖啡厅附近。Outside the shoe store. Near the cafe.

咖啡店现在都是无线上网了。The cafe is wi-fi broadband connected.

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其中最早开幕的是「巴莎诺瓦餐饮会馆」。The first cafe to open was Bossa Nova.

您有上过楼上咖啡室吗?。Did you visit any upstairs cafe before?

你能在露西咖啡馆喝到一杯上好的咖啡。You can get a good cup at Lucy' s Café.

我到网咖上网.I access the internet in the cyber cafe.

我正在北威尔士一个小镇的咖啡店里。I am in a cafe in a town in north Wales.

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我认为可以贴在咖啡馆的布告牌上。On the cafe notice board I should think.

我目前在咖啡馆的餐饮部门工作。Right now, I'm working in the cafe part.

那家小餐馆曾经是镇里最好的咖啡馆。The Caff used to be the town's best café