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拔刀这里我记得附件可以很大的。I remember that appurtenance in this forum can make very big.

接下来,进行了制冷系统节流机构和附属设备的选型。Followed it, I select the model number throttle flap and appurtenance.

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防撞护栏是确保交通安全的重要设施。Safety guardrail is an important appurtenance to ensure traffic safety.

有附属物的财产,附属物随财产所有权的转移而转移。For a property that has appurtenance , the appurtenance shall be transferred with the property ownership.

因此,纳弗沙成为美国属地,不完全是美国领土,但毋庸置疑的属于美国。Consequently, Navassa became an American " appurtenance" — not quite a territory but still indisputably American.

人,是有欲望的,人的欲望是呈阶梯式不断上升的,且是从物质到精神的。Person, have desire, the person's desire presents a stairs type to continuously rise, and is an appurtenance quality to the spirit.

本报警装置是基于电话、作为电话的附属物而开发的一种家用防盗报警装置。As an appurtenance of telephone, this alarm equipment is used to be alarm device for private house protect based on telephone system.

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此次展出产品涉及吉他、小提琴、相关乐器配件及各种新款产品。There will be some musical instrument appurtenance regarding guitars , violins and various new products in this commodity exhibition.

插口内可插入辅助手柄或其它一些附件,便于安装工作所需的辅助工具。The inner of the socket can be inserted with an auxiliary handle or a plurality of other accessories, and is convenient to install the appurtenance desired by work.

对扁平式气流粉碎机、主要附属设备贮气罐、配气罐、旋风分离器进行了设计,并对压缩机、袋式除尘器进行了选型。We design the flat jet mill by gas stream and the major appurtenance of disintegrator set such as air holder, distribution tank and cyclone separator, and select the compressor and bag filter.