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她时不时的逃学。She plays truant now and then.

彼得因逃学受到训斥。Peter was skinned for playing truant.

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他因逃学而受严斥。He was reprimanded for playing truant.

你看我像检查逃学的训导员吗?。How did you know I was a truant officer?

小弗朗丝今天上午逃学了。Little Franz played truant this morning.

逃学的念头在我脑子里闪了一下。For a moment I thought of playing truant.

他以瘀伤作为逃学的藉囗。His bruise was a trick to play truant from school.

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父亲因汤姆逃学而严厉惩罚他。Father punished Tom severely for his playing truant.

那父亲因他儿子逃学,严厉地斥责了他一顿。The father sailed into his son for his playing truant.

逃学的孩子们都缺乏想像力。Children who play truant from school are unimaginative.

而另一些学生逃课则是因为教学实在是过于差强人意。Others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory.

因为害怕挨骂,小弗朗兹一时起了逃学的念头。Afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of truant.

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由于害怕挨骂,小弗朗兹一时起了逃学的念头。Afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant.

他说他常常逃课,就是想报复他爸爸。He says he would often play truant from school just to get back at his father.

英国宣布向旷课学生的家长即场罚款的计划。British announced plans to charge parents of truant children on-the-spot fines.

“我这里有个逃学的,”警官强尼说,“我开车直接送它回学校去。”I have a truant here. " said Constable Johnny. "Drive him straight to school. "

由于在学校被孤立,她总是逃学,被认为是个麻烦的孩子。Socially isolated at school, she often played truant and was seen as a troublemaker.

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那男孩对老师撒野谎说他病了,以此用为他逃学的借口。The boy gave the teacher a song and dance about his being ill as an excuse for playing truant.

老师猜想那个没到的学生是生病了,但他的一些朋友怀疑他是逃学。The teacher supposed that the absent pupil was ill, but some of his friends suspected the was playing truant.

偷懒的学生为了逃学,可能会藏奸耍滑,比如说他会装病,说自己胃疼。A lazy student, in order to play truant , may play fox , pretending to be ill to have a stomachache , for example.