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我们没有紧密盯人。We were not marking tight.

他紧紧盯住他们的前锋。He is marking their forward closely.

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现在琼斯正紧钉着皮克森。Now, Jones is marking Pixon closely.

现在托马斯正紧盯着皮克森。Now, Thomas is marking Pixon closely.

试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。Papers are sent to UCLES for marking.

在图答题卡的时候,要小心。Be careful when marking your answer sheet.

我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。I spend at least six hours a week marking.

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我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。I spent at least six hours a week marking.

这位老师判分很严。This teacher is famous for marking strictly.

老师在打文学报告分数。The teacher is marking the literature papers.

色环标志,可编带可成型。Color marking , provide tape and lead forming.

教师正在给试卷打分数。The teacher is marking the examination papers.

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这些挺起来就像一个人在回首往事争取时间一样。Sounds like a guy looking back and marking time.

他在书中插入纸页,以标明他读到的地方。He inserted a slip marking his place in the book.

盖模板主要是冲压形式的模板形式。Cap Stencils are a stencil form for Stamp Marking.

榫锯是一种特殊的墨线戽。A mortice gauge is a special type of marking gauge.

磨砂的载玻片经喷砂处理以标记标本。Frosted slides are sandblasted for marking specimens.

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焚化我的记忆,祭奠你犹存的美丽。Incineration of my memory, marking you dwells beauty.

颜色。化学工厂。管道系统的标记。Colours. Chemical factories. Marking of fluids in pipes.

在单个套管上根据客户要求定制多字符数码。Customized multi-character marking on one single sleeve.