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男主角还没有确定的人选。The male lead, still warble.

鸟儿继续啁啾。The bird continued to warble.

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为我歌唱丁香花季节的喜悦吧!Warble me now for joy of lilac-time.

我听到劳拉那柔和的颤音。I heard the faint warble of Laura's voice.

男主角还没有确定的人选。The male lead, still uncast, will not warble.

你可听见希望在我跳动着的胸口鸣唱?And the hopes that warble in my fluttering breast?

我没有感觉到颤抖,婉转,或者是甜蜜。I have not felt to warble and trill, however sweetly.

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给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣的随性之歌。Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

盒式磁带里的歌手开始婉转地唱出另一首歌曲。The singer on the cassette began to warble another song.

唱一支深情的歌,为这回忆中回来的丁香花季节的欢乐。A warble for joy of lilac-time, returning in reminiscence.

可是如今,我从你,笼中的鸟,感到你那欢乐的鸣啭。But now from thee to me, caged bird, to feel thy joyous warble.

有时,你可能觉得自己的歌声有些发颤,但是所有伟大的歌唱家都有这种时刻。You may feel a little warble at the moment, but so have all the great singers.

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她象征着一种力量,也许那种力量可以让弥尔顿也婉转的唱出一首恰如其分的歌。She represents a power that might enable Milton to warble a right or proper song.

第二个信息是如果美国经济黯然出现衰退,一味取悦大众的坏处将会更加突出的显现。The second lesson is that if America tips into recession, the sirens of populism will warble louder.

话音未落,电话那头已经颤声四起,那么大的人在路边已经泣不成声了,时不时的还能听到路上汽车鸣笛的声音。Voice, the phone has warble four, so people in the roadside have choke with sobs, often can hear the way car alarm voice.

所有不稳定的啁啾声和低沉的燕子,林夕菲利普斯唱着,仿佛他的经历记载在他的每一个不祥的歌词困难。All wobbly warble and throaty swallow, Lindsay Phillips sings as if he's endured every hardship chronicled in his ominous lyrics.

比如,就算一只灭绝的鸟儿某一天被人们从它的基因中重新组合出来,它的啁啾声能像其先辈们一样婉转动听吗?For instance even if a vanished bird was someday reconstituted from its genes would it warble with the same fluency as its ancestors?

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如同栖息在门前山核桃树上的麻雀颤音鸣唱,我也低声轻笑鸣啭,麻雀或许在我的巢外听到了。As the sparrow had its trill, sitting on the hickory before my door, so had I my chuckle or suppressed warble which he might hear out of my nest.

他可以准确地按照口头叙述的需要,用哀伤的眼神哭泣,在快乐的时刻开怀大笑,或是低声制造悚然的效果,或是放声歌唱,或是用颤音演唱。He was able to weep with mournful eyes laugh at merry moments whisper to make something spooky or sing and warble precisely as his oral narration demanded.

你能想象熊猫说“我爱你”时是“咩咩咩”,说“我愿意”时像鸟叫,而说“我很生气”时又像狗叫吗?Can you imagine giant pandas baa like sheep to say "I love you" and warble a cheerful "I do" when wooed by a suitor, and bark like a dog when they are furious?