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这种货物我们有很多花色品种可供选择。We have a rich assortment of such goods.

本公司货色齐全,花色多样,任凭挑选。We have a good assortment of goods to choose from.

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他们看起来像一批毫不起眼的碌碌庸才。They seemed to be a drab assortment of mediocrities.

该店各色货物俱全,任君选择。This shop has a good assortment of goods to choose from.

您可以任意选择您需要的烘焙种类来满足您的独特口味。Find an assortment of roasts , one that will satisfy your tastes.

这种椅子非常独特,退一步说,至少在古代,它是举世无双的。This assortment is quite unique and that’s to say the very least.

我们店里的货种类别很多,您一定会感兴趣的。I'm sure you'll find our wide assortment of articles very interesting.

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开放图书联盟同样将包括各种各样的非盈利组织。The Open Book Alliance also will include an assortment of nonprofit groups.

我们有很多花色品种,这里展出的都是新设计的样品。We have a rich assortment . All around here are some samples of new designs.

再加上通常的各种好看的,精力充沛的,赫然挂,愚蠢的人。Plus the usual assortment of good lookin', virile, awesomely hung, klutzy men.

我们有各种各样的生活型人工早餐食品和饮料…We have a wide assortment of life-sized artificial breakfast food and beverages.

公司AMD公司的最新组合的双核心与单核心台式机处理器。Company AMD updated the assortment of dual core and single cores desktop processors.

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在他身后的客栈门﹐古老陈旧﹐挂满了各式各样的木制圣诞饰物。Behind him, an assortment of wooden Christmas ornaments festoons the inn's aged door.

请您确认是否可以填补这个分类待容器的网布。Please confirm if you can fill the pending container of nettings with this assortment.

我的妻子想知道你能否把我的打嗝声设为悦耳的铃音?My wife wants to know if you can replace my burps with an assortment of nice ringtones?

有食品杂货的巨大的分类,乳制品的广泛的选择,以及海鲜。There was a huge assortment of groceries, a wide choice of dairy products, and seafood.

一个更好的主意是买一套基本的木工工具,如上图所示。A better idea is to buy a basic assortment of woodworking tools like the one shown here.

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如果满负荷装备,仅一驾轰炸机就可以搭载各式各样的核武器。When fully loaded, a single nuclear-armed bomber can carry a healthy assortment of nukes.

一些拙劣的和优秀的表演者在这个舞台上浮浮沉沉,耍着他们的小聪明。An assortment of weird and wonderful performers moves on and off stage doing their tricks.

因为有很多种舞会服装如短款黑色礼服可供挑选。Because there are very assortment of brief prom dresses Little Black Dresses can be opted.