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简单一点的子问题的最优方案来解决问题。Optimal sub structure.

我们为什么需要最佳的睡眠?Why do we need optimal sleep?

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那就是你最理想的字体大小了。That’s your optimal font size.

这个贼应该做什么呢?But it's not an optimal solution.

右边肋骨骨折的最佳睡法?Of right rib fracture optimal sleep law?

所有虚拟磁碟均处于最佳状态。All virtual disks are in an optimal state.

头痛的最佳治疗方法是什么?What is headachy optimal treatment method?

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另一件就是最优子结构。And the other one was optimal substructure.

汽车导航系统中如何以最佳的方式来显示地图。How to display map with optimal mode in VNS.

“最大化者”希望做出最优化的决定。Maximizers want to make the optimal decision.

这是长度脚鍊是最优的。That is the length of anklet that is optimal.

便于选择参数使加工孔的质量最优。Choice of parameters to holes quality optimal.

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从某种意义上来说,这种延迟是最理想的。This kind of dallying is , in a sense , optimal.

是闹中取静的最佳室第区。Be in be troubled by, take static optimal uptown.

为检波电路计算最理想的组合Calculate optimal components for detector circuit

这款全效形的营养液是各个季节的最佳之选!This synergistic blend is optimal for all seasons.

那么,最佳后现代饮食会是什么样的?So what would an optimal postmodern diet look like?

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两天对肌肉的塑造和修复是最佳的时间。Two days is optimal for muscle building and repair.

叶和茎均是诱导愈伤组织的较佳外植体。The leaves were optimal explants for callus induction.

掷骰子最好的点数是丢开。The optimal throw of the dice is to bandy them abroad.