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房间隔缺损的症状有哪些?What are the symptoms of an atrial septal defect?

报告4例先天性主-肺动脉间隔缺损。This paper reports 4 cases of congenital aortopulmonary septal defect.

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目的介绍一种简单可靠的房间隔穿刺术方法。Objective To introduce a simple and reliable way for atrial septal puncture.

增厚的小叶间隔常平滑,但有时可呈结节状。The thickened septa are most often smooth, but septal nodules may sometimes be seen.

并对两组纵隔进行彩色多普勒血流检查,结果进行组间比较。Color Doppler examine septal vascularity , the result was compared between two groups.

LAD的主要分支有对角支和室间隔支。The major branches of the LAD artery are the diagonal and septal perforating arteries.

目的初步探讨鼻中隔偏曲与支气管哮喘的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between deviation of nasal septal and asthma.

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永存动脉干常常伴发膜性室间隔缺损。The persistent truncus is always accompanied by a membranous ventricular septal defect.

蝶鞍和斜坡的骨窗可用脂肪、肌肉或鼻中隔软骨填塞。The sellar and clival openings are closed with fat or muscle and nasal septal cartilage.

目的介绍用鼻中隔软骨充填整复驼峰鼻的方法。Objective To introduce a new method of septal cartilage augmentation for hump nose plasty.

报告12例房间隔瘤的临床和超声心动图表现。The clinical and echocardiographic features were studied in 12 patients with atrial septal aneurysm.

目的探讨经胸超卢指导下心导管封堵术在房间隔缺损治疗中的价值。Objective To evaluate the value of transcatheter closure in treatment of atrial septal defect by TTE.

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肺静脉隔离术后残留医源性房间隔缺损风险是否被低估?Persistence of iatrogenic atrial septal defect after pulmonary vein isolation-an underestimated risk?

此例未见一般在淋巴管转移癌常见的小叶间隔增厚。Interlobular septal thickening, common with lymphangitic spread of carcinoma is not seen in this case.

结节病的结节样小叶间隔增厚是间质肉芽肿的表现。In sarcoidosis, nodular interlobular septal thickening reflects the presence of interstitial granulomas.

本文应用HRP和荧光素标记法对大白鼠外侧隔核的传入性神经纤维联系进行了研究。The afferent connections of lateral septal nucleus was studied in rat with HRP and fluorescence methods.

在非致死性畸形中,以房间隔缺损和室间隔缺损最为多见。The most common malformations in the nonfatal group are atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect.

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事实上,并非所有的鼻中隔偏曲都需要矫正,因为无症状的鼻中隔偏曲很常见。In fact, not all deviated septa need correction, because it is common to have an asymptomatic septal deviation.

目的探讨保留隔、壁束技术在法洛四联症手术矫正中的价值。Objective To study the value of retaining septal and parietal band in surgical correction for tetralogy of Fallot.

中隔器官仅约占主要嗅觉上皮大小的1%且哺乳动物没有中隔器官。The septal organ is only about 1 percent the size of the main olfactory epithelium and isn't shared by all mammals.