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劳伦斯的现代主义视野。H. Lawrences modernist perspective.

覃子豪现代诗研究。A study of Qin Zihao's modernist poetry.

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这个嘛,“现代派”指不信教的人。Well, the word "modernist" is code for non-believer.

该普鲁伊特-戈被认为是现代主义建筑。The Pruitt-Igoe was considered modernist architecture.

以及其他二十世纪中叶的现代建筑师们。And other modernist architects of the mid-twentieth century.

塞尚是法国十九世纪下半叶现代主义绘画艺术大师。Paul Cezanne was a modernist French artist in the late 19th century.

在现代主义崇拜者桂一直谴责新松阴。The Modernist admirers of Katsura have always decried the New Shoin.

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怀特同时具备两种特征,但我先不去区分。He's connected to both those strains as well as the modernist strain.

现代主义的理念确实是在古代就开始的,比如淡定的作品。Modernist ideas really began in ancient times, like in Dante's works.

他们让这书像个真正的文学读本,像是种现代主义读本。It makes it into a real literary object, sort of like a modernist text.

他憎恶表现主义和现代派艺术,提倡现实主义。Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art, but advocates realism.

我们在哈内大街散步,看到许多像这样的现代派建筑瑰宝。We saw many of these modernist gems as we strolled around Harnet Avenue.

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表象派作家生动的,坚定的标语和现代主义作者遍及街头的风趣画作。Expressionist graphics, decisive slogans and modernist wit pervade these images.

其中有拉兰内先生的现代主义餐桌和拉兰内夫人的一组镜子。Among them are a modernist bar by Mr Lalanne and a group of mirrors by his widow.

就像是著名的现代建筑,有真正的优雅在这刻板里。But like striking modernist architecture, there's real elegance in that starkness.

在现代主义文学中,卡夫卡被称为“荒诞文学之父”。He is also regarded as "the Father of Fantastic Literature" in modernist literature.

因此,现代主义绘画朝两维平面的发展,就成为一种必然的趋势。It seems a necessary tendency for modernist painting to develop with two -plane quality.

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戴卫·赫伯特·劳伦斯是二十世纪早期最重要的现代主义作家之一。D. H. Lawrence is one of the most significant modernist writers in early twentieth century.

尼克劳斯是现代球场设计的鼻祖,追求着农艺与建造的完美。Nicklaus is the prototypical modernist in pursuit of agronomic and construction perfection.

呈现出现代气息的圣诞树是在日本札幌雪节上展列的圣诞树。This modernist take on a Christmas tree was displayed at a Snow Festival in Sapporo, Japan.