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也就是说我读过许多文学作品。Thereby, the retranslation of literary works is i.

重译或复译是文学翻译的必然趋势。Retranslation is a necessity of literary translation.

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鲁迅作品在法国有突出的复译现象。Retranslation of Lu Hsun's works have figured prominently in France.

同时,这部分也是本文为复译现象研究的系统化做作的努力。Meanwhile, this part will contribute to the systemization of retranslation study.

译者在不同历史时期,对于同一文学作品进行复译的现象有其独特性。But we know that the retranslation by the same translator in different periods has its own uniqueness.

在中国古代诗歌重译中,词语差异在译入语的诗句中特征显著。In the retranslation of classic Chinese poetry, verse words in target-text appear remarkably different.

对杜威所提出的“艺术即经验”的动态解读,是重新阐释杜威美学的关键所在。The dynamic interpretation of Dewey's "art as experience" is a key point for retranslation of Dewey's aesthetics.

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文学作品的复译现象存在已久,译界对复译问题的讨论也涉及多个层面。As a long-standing phenomenon, retranslation has been discussed by translation researchers from different aspects.

所以,本文也将从语言的变化这个角度对复译的必要性进行论证。In light of this, the author attempts to prove the necessity of retranslation from the angle of linguistic mutation.

因此,本文将从现代阐释学角度来探讨重译的必要性和重要性。So the paper tries to discuss the necessity and importance of retranslation from the perspective of modern hermeneutics.

复译本各有所长,起互为补充、相得益彰作用。Each retranslation has its own strong points, playing the function of complementing one another to bring out the best versions.

而译者的主体地位以及文本的开放性为理解文学作品的复译提供了一个新的视野。And the translator's subjectivity and the text's open system have provided a new horizon to the retranslation of literary works.

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重译无论是对翻译事业本身,还是对我国文化的发展和多样性有着巨大的贡献。Retranslation is helpful and beneficial not only to translation studies, but also to the development and diversification of Chinese culture.

至今,纪德在中国的形象和声音有“愈演愈烈”之势,主要表现在大量的翻译上。Nowadays, his image and voice have become more and more welcome, which mainly reveals on a mass of translation and retranslation of his works.

由此得出文学重译是译者自身的理解与特定历史阶段相结合的一种动态阐释,是合理存在的。Consequently, it is only rational for literary retranslation to occur with the passing of time and the emergence of dynamic interpretations from translators.

本文指出正是由于主体之间的这些独有特点,文学作品的复译不仅成为可能,而且不可避免了。This research proposes that it is the characteristics of intersubjectivity which make retranslation of literary works not only necessary, possible, but even inevitable.

所以,本文致力于这方面的研究,以期通过借鉴相关的理论,使得复译研究更客观、更全面。This thesis is dedicated to the study of retranslation by the single translator on the basis of relevant theories to make retranslation study more objective and comprehensive.

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作者进一步得出,在各种因素的共同作用下,各复译本既相互区别又相互关联,共同形成一条复译的“链”。With the effects of various elements, the retranslated versions differentiate from and at the same time interrelate with each other, and jointly form a chain of retranslation.

而围绕重译进行的研究,正以其对译学核心问题的论争与触及,逐渐成为中国译学发展的巨大动力。Studies of retranslation theories in China, growing through debates, have already touched on key issues of translation studies and thus become a huge engine of disciplinary development.

本文从译者角度来分析文学作品的复译现象,认为复译是译者以原文本为基础而充分发挥自己主观能动性的产物。This paper will analyze the retranslation of literary works from the perspective of translator. The retranslation can be understood as the result of the display of translator's subjectivity.