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向他人之妻求爱是一种罪恶。Their only one sin is unpardonable.

从没犯过罪,是为了不可宽恕之罪。Never have sinned is the unpardonable sin.

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法官认定他的罪行十恶不赦。The judge found him guilty of unpardonable evil.

成功对于我们的同伴来说,是不可原谅的罪过。Success is the one unpardonable sin against our fellows.

自然界最不可饶恕的罪行就是驻足不前,淤滞停止。The one unpardonable sin of nature is to stand still, to stagnate.

成功对于我们的同伴来说,是不可原谅的罪过。Charles Luckman Success is the one unpardonable sin against our fellows.

我要是在银钱问题上粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me.

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朝鲜对此愤怒回应,称该报道为“不可饶恕”的罪行。North Korea angrily denied the reports, calling them an "unpardonable" crime.

为善而恶还是恶,以善包装的恶则更无可饶恕。Evil meant to do good is still evil and evil in a cloak of goodness is unpardonable.

韩国政府要求一个明确的军事冒进动作行为,不可饶恕的。South Korea's government calls the act a clear military provocation and unpardonable.

但愿不会如此。我要是在银钱问题上粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。I hope not so. Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me.

安乐死其实是一种特殊的在仁爱名义下从事的彻头彻尾的不能饶恕的罪恶。Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardonable crime in the name of charity, guilty up to the hilt!

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什么是朋友,朋友永远是在你犯下了不可原谅的错误的时候,仍旧站在你那边的笨蛋。What is a friend?Friend forever is at commit unpardonable and false of time stand still at your idiot.

但后来,那个男孩似乎忘记了什么叫珍惜,一次又一次的犯下了很多不可原谅的错误。But later, the boy seems to have forgotten what it meant to treasure time and again committed many unpardonable errors.

杀死自己的灵魂是最无法原谅的犯罪,唯一能让它显得快乐的是,掩盖你灵魂的死亡。Deadness of soul is the only unpardonable crime, and if there is one thing happiness can do it is mask deadness of soul.

那罪不可赦的情况是一种故意、执意不信的行为,恶意攻击上帝圣灵的工作。The unpardonable sin is a deliberate, willful act of unbelief, where one maliciously impugns the work of the Spirit of God.

他认为,偶像崇拜是一种不可饶恕的罪过,并且教会无权恢复共融任何谁已落入它。He held that idolatry was an unpardonable sin, and that the Church had no right to restore to communion any who had fallen into it.

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北韩和平统一祖国委员会说,如此反对北韩的评论,是一个「不容原谅的挑衅」。The North Korea Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said that the comment was an "unpardonable provocation" against the North.

我承认,我所做的是不可原谅的,那就是我为什么道歉,特别是对全世界的小孩来说,那些看了比赛的千千万万的孩子。What I did was unpardonable . I accept that. That is why I apologise, especially to the children of the world, hundreds of millions of children, who were watching.

男性放荡的一生都可以被视为是可以原谅甚至是值得夸耀的,而女性的哪怕是一小点错误都会被认为是不可原谅的。While a whole life of debauchery on the part of the male sex is considered venial and natural, a single false step on the part of the female is regarded as unpardonable.