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但是这是虚伪的。But this is disingenuous.

女人是邪淫寡信的。Woman is perfidious and disingenuous.

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所有其他类型的市场营销都是无诚意的。All other kind of marketing is disingenuous.

无诚意或坦白直率的品质。The quality of being disingenuous and lacking candor.

但是,政府不能言不由衷或者对政策反应迟钝。But the administration cannot be disingenuous or obtuse.

你们的记者认为两边的人都不厚道。Your correspondent thinks both sides are being disingenuous.

没人能算清楚,假称你可以做到这一点,完全是不诚实的。No one can count it, and to pretend that you can is totally disingenuous.

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因此,对“相关学科真理”的虚伪妥协也是如此。Hence the disingenuous compromise of "truth within a relevant discipline".

但其实伊斯兰堡和华盛顿的关系早就已经臭名昭彰。But the relationship between Islamabad and Washington has long been ugly and disingenuous.

从长远来看,土地改革会使政党控制变的宽松,这一点是不容否认的。It would be disingenuous to deny that land reform will loosen party control in the long run.

这项预算也许算不上什么公开透明的楷模,但国会不满的嘟囔声多半是没有依据的。The budget may not be a model of transparency, but much of Congress's harrumphing is disingenuous.

暗示利比亚的成果“几乎全靠自己奋斗得来”是一种外交手腕,同时也是虚伪的。It is diplomatic to suggest that the Libyans did this almost all by themselves. It is also disingenuous.

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很多时候,我们的政府领导只是一个带动者,共谋者,虚伪和贪婪的沉默者。Too often, our political leaders are just enablers, co-conspirators in a disingenuous and greedy silence.

大学官员还在假惺惺地掩饰,打着幌子说他们是在保护申请人的隐私。University officials are hiding behind the disingenuous claim that they're protecting applicants' privacy.

他们会有很多的借口和理由为他们的行为做解释,但很多都是不坦白的。There are often excuses and justifications given for this type of behavior, but most of them are disingenuous.

在一个恐怖主义者有着极强表达欲和表现欲的时代里,这些问题都是伪命题。Questions like these are disingenuous in a world in which terrorists proclaim themselves and perform for television.

最近,人们更喜欢那些在虚伪和欺骗语言外衣下隐藏自身邪恶本质的法西斯主义。These days, people prefer their fascism to be cloaked in disingenuous and deceptive language that disguises its true nature.

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对华盛顿的政客们来说,不支持这份法案背后的原则会是相当愚蠢的,因为他们许诺要促进公开与透明。It would be disingenuous for Washington not to embrace the principles behind this bill after all the promises for transparency.

显然,他是个虚伪做作、老于世故的人,除了自私自利以外,从来没有过更好的指导原则。Mr Elliot is evidently a disingenuous , artificial, worldly man, who has never had any better principle to guide him than selfishness.

有时她们甚至会守约,那是因为她们的自尊心不能接受我用她们的不诚实表现打破它的现实。Sometimes they'd even keep the date because their egos couldn't handle the fact that I had busted them on their disingenuous behavior.