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这些同样也是可以破解的。These were also breakable.

像是一条易断的线。On such a breakable thread.

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当眼泪滑落的时候,心在痛。Breakable tears, and frangible heart.

请问这里面有贵重或易碎物品吗?。Is there anything valuable or breakable in it?

小心,有些是易碎品。Please be careful, some of them are breakable.

里面有什么贵重或易碎物品吗?Is there anything valuable or breakable in them?

这种玻璃易碎,小心别打碎了。The glass is breakable. Take care not to break it.

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箱子里有没有贵重物品或易碎物品?。Is there anything valuable or breakable in the case?

您的包里有什么贵重物品或易碎品吗?。Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?

您得袋子有什么贵重或易碎的物品吗?Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?

你的袋子里面有比较贵重或易碎的物品吗?Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?

如果你不能看到它,看看附近的大易碎锅。If you can't see it, look near the big breakable pot.

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先生,请问您的袋子里有什么贵重或易碎物品吗?Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag , sir ?

怎样才能让易碎品在运输途中不受损坏呢?。How can I make breakable items damaged in transit without it?

当然。太太。你袋子里有什么宝贵的或易碎的东西吗?Certainly,ma'am.Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?

您的行李里面有易碎或贵重的物品吗?May I know are there any breakable or valuables inside your luggage?

金属容器易腐蚀,且让储存在里面的水变得很难喝。Glass containers are non-permeable, but they are breakable and heavy.

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可倾斜式包装,对于易碎物料的保护更有效。Slanting packaging , very useful to protect for the breakable products.

我知道我的心易碎,然而我记得爱的真正意义,我记得。I know my heart is breakable but I remember the true meaning of love, I remember.

您的行李总共是这些么?里面有贵重物品或易碎物品么?Is this all you luggage? Is there anything valuable or breakable in your luggage?