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沿着中央大街走。Go along Centre Street.

旺角中心第二期。Mong Kok Centre phase Ⅱ.

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走出青年中心。Go out of the youth centre.

小标题一律居中。Please centre the subheads.

辛特拉村庄的中心。The centre of Sintra village.

一个中后卫需要什么?What makes up a centre backs?

教练叫他担任中锋。The coach played him at centre.

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这个孤儿院位于坎帕拉的中心。It was in the centre of Kampala.

正中的门呀地开了一半。The centre door creaks half-open.

我们的思想集中在一个主意上。Our thoughts centre upon one idea.

活贤社区中心。Woodgreen Community Centre of Tor.

而泰门城成为新中心。And Timen Town became a new centre.

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就指定的中心画一圆圈。Dray a circle round a given centre.

顶部中央是一个玻璃质圆顶The centre of the top is a glass dome

不管怎样,去到商务中心问问吧。Anyway, go and ask the Business Centre.

我最喜欢的地方是青年中心。My favourite place is the youth centre.

他们要建一个培训中心。They will set up a mew training centre.

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我住在城市里的中央大街上。I am work at information service centre.

我住在城市里的中央大街上。I live at the Centre Street in the city.

这附记有什么大的购物中心吗?Is there a major shopping centre nearby?