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根深蒂固的行为和观念可能很难改变。Engrained behaviors and attitudes can prove difficult.

这个使命“深深植根于企业文化之中”,他补充道。That mission is "deeply engrained in the culture, " he adds.

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似乎追求享乐已深深嵌入这个民族的灵魂之中。It seems that joie de vivre is well engrained in its national psyche.

似乎追求享乐已深深嵌入这个民族的灵魂之中。It seems that joie de vivre is well engrained in the national psyche.

亚洲储蓄倾向的根深蒂固更多是由政策而非文化原因造成的。Asia's propensity to save is engrained more by policy than by culture.

然而,如果他们过于执着,有些问题之中发生的。However, if they are too engrained and rigid, some problems may arise.

他的音乐和表演是史上留名的,并永远地埋在我们的心里。His music and performances are historic and forever engrained in our hearts.

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我对人性的解读是,人类中心说根深蒂固。It is my read of human nature that our anthropocentrism is deeply engrained.

这个情景被每一个试图减肥或者控制一个好的彻底的习惯的人所熟知。This situation is familiar to anyone who is trying to lose weight or to control a well- engrained habit.

这个策略与根深蒂固的有关增长的偏见相抵啎——在收益和股价方面。This strategy is going up against a deeply engrained bias toward growth -- in earnings and in share price.

这是难以置信的成就,每个来到球队的年轻人在球队生根发芽。It's an incredible achievement and every young player that comes to the club gets engrained into the fabric of that.

群居观念在吉奥诺西斯人脑中根深蒂固,而且所有吉奥诺西斯人都蔑视其它种族。The importance of the hive is strongly engrained in the Geonosian mind, and they are, as a whole, contemptuous of other species.

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的swingswitch方面拖了计数器的根深蒂固的习惯有些人已经全面恢复一方面通过空气在上面一个弧。The swingswitch hand drag was designed to counter the engrained habit some swimmers have of sweeping their recovering hand through the air in an arc above them.

用餐能带来很强烈的满足感,顾客们想得到把食物、服务、装饰,以及无法定义的更多的东西结合在一起的用餐经历。Eating is a deeply engrained source of satisfaction and the restaurant customer wants an eating experience which combines food, service, décor and an indefinable extra.

鼓励他人,即使是陌生人,这种习惯已经在美国文化中根深蒂固了。你在运动场上所听到的所有的喝彩其实正是鼓励的一种形式。The habit of encouraging people, even strangers, is deeply engrained in American culture. All the cheering you hear at sporting events is really just a form of encouragement.

相信许多人内心深处仍然刻印著桃乐丝的故事,因为她那奇妙旅程代表的正是我们儿时的幻想与美梦,而奈良美智的作品表现的也是同样的回忆。For many, the story of Dorothy is engrained in our minds because our imaginary childhood daydreams are represented by her chronicles, which are equally manifested in Nara's sculpture.

建筑外立面包括木质的体量,上面覆盖发冷光的墙体,底座是一个用混凝土做成的结构,上面嵌着日本雪松的纹理。The distinguishing exterior consists of a wooden volume covered with a luminescent wall sitting on top of a base made of exposed concrete engrained with the texture of Japanese cedar.

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我们关于爱情的浪漫理想非常根深蒂固的,与这种未来的丈夫和妻子以及他们的感觉都不在商讨的范围之内的现实有着天壤之别。Our romantic ideals of love are deeply engrained and don’t mesh easily with a practice where the prospective husband and wife—and their feelings–are placed outside of the negotiating loop.