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他的伤口重开时血流如注。There am a gush of blood as his wound re-opened.

他的伤口重开时血流如注。There was a gush of blood as his wound re-opened.

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如果你被深深地割了一下,通常会有血源源不绝的涌出。If you get a deep cut, there usually is a gush of blood.

隔着地窖的格子窗飘出走了气的黑芠莆抖?。From the cellar grating floated up the flabby gush of porter.

宋夫人点点头,“嗯,倒是一表人才。”The Sung madam arrays, "H'm, gush is one form gifted person."

表面可喷不同的漆,可贴纸,打LOGO。The surface may gush different lacquer, but paster , strike LOGO.

在手臂上深深割一刀,手臂会血流如柱。种竹成林。If you got a deep cut in your arm, there's usually a gush of blood.

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渗透破坏的两种基本形式为管涌和流土。The two basic forms of penetration destroy are canal gush and soil flow.

陆莳千便躺倒在死神的怀里,由他抱着。Six Shis thousand then lie to gush in the bosom of Azrael, is embraced by him.

我有时怀疑,那些对书香味滔滔不绝的家伙可能根本就不喜欢读书。I sometimes suspect that those who gush about book odor might not like to read.

涌水是隧道及地下工程施工中的重大地质灾害之一。Water gush is one of major hazards in tunnels and other underground engineering.

对于特别的回答反应不要过于强烈,否则其他人会感觉被忽略。Do not gush over one particular answer – others will feel slighted in comparison.

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这是调掉我脑海里那些像河里冲出来的气泡一样的声音的一种办法。It was one way to tune out the voices that babbled like the gush of a river inside my head.

之后,神吩咐摩西在他们面前向石头说话,便有水从石头流出来。God had then told Moses to speak to the rock in front of them, and it would gush with water.

能带给他的女人“喷涌的快感”携她到达性乐巅峰,这让男人荣耀无比。Kudos to the men who can make their ladies "gush" and attain the ultimate in sexual ecstasy!

多智听了这话大吃一惊把嘴里的面汤全喷到了对面的东株身上。Much wisdom heard that shocked the whole gush to mouth noodle soup opposite east strains body.

更下游处,伊温多河两道支流冲洩而下,形成名为日和月的双子瀑布。Farther down, two branches of the Ivindo River gush down twin falls known as the Sun and the Moon.

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试想,这些东西都可以在某一时刻突然从集装箱内喷涌而出,破坏周围的一切。Just imagine, all this could gush out of the containers at any moment and poison everything around.

性能上基本上与磨砂玻璃相似,不同的改磨砂为喷砂。On function basically as similar as ground glass, change differently grind arenaceous for gush arenaceous.

只需要简单将几滴橘汁、柠檬汁或石灰精油滴入含水喷雾瓶中。Simply gush a few drops of orange, abercrombie, lemon, or lime important oil into a spray bottle of water.