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海珠区绣花QQ群?District embroidery QQ group?

怎么你还跑我QQ上来了吗?哈哈!QQ me how you run up it? Haha!

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请问,你的QQ号是多少?What’s your QQ number, please?

如何删除电脑上面的QQ聊天记录。How do I remove a computer the QQ chats.

COM联系,再次感谢所有的球迷从QQ。COM, thanks again to all the fans from QQ.

这是在QQ上跟可可和妈妈聊天时的截图。Mum and Keke were talking to me through QQ.

联系方式,都没有怎么跟你聊天?HOW can I communicate with you ? emai or qq?

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哈哈,我会介绍你到我们的QQ群的。Ha-ha. I will introduce you to our QQ group.

因此,那个循环又重新开始了,我用上了QQ。So now the cycle has started again. I use QQ.

现在我们英文母语者也可以共享这个QQ时尚了。Now us Anglophones can share in the QQ craze too.

昵称仍为QQ相对应的“上帝之音”。QQ nickname still corresponds to the "Voice of God."

目前最多玩QQ农场,牧场和抢车位!I most playing QQ farm, fied farm and glom car place.

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我们是猎人,我们要在论坛雄起。We are the hunter class and qq will block out the forums.

已登记的信使我试着你QQ上的朋友。Already I tried to register you as friend on QQ messanger.

QQ忽然一下就掉线,再登就登不上去了。QQ is abrupt drop a line , remount is not ascended went up.

这个群的管理员都是学生会里的学生干部。The administrators of the QQ group are all leaders in the union.

我站在电脑桌旁,期望你出现在QQ上。I stood at the computer table, anticipating your appearence by QQ.

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如果看到此贴的朋友们,有同样兴趣,请加QQ群。If the Citie friends, have the same interest, please add QQ group.

陈旋说。后弦甚至每两个月在QQ上到歌迷群聊天。Hoho even visits the fan club on QQ for a chat about twice a month.

今儿一早就有人在QQ群里说“郁闷”。Someone says in QQ group that " gloomy " early in the morning today.