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是一家非常具有现代气息的酒吧。Frangipani Bar &café is full of modern tinge.

难道他只会成天躺在那里闻岛上的鸡蛋花香吗?But did he just lie back and smell the frangipani ?

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在这个露天的领域是室外游泳池和鸡蛋花的花园。In this outdoor area is the out door pool and frangipani garden.

我假装正在穿过人群走向一株赤素馨花,但是我逐渐慢了下来。I pretend I am walking over to a frangipani tree but I slow down.

我们王国曾经持有一种很像当代的素馨花的气味。Our kingdom once held a smell that is not unlike frangipani in present time.

这些螳螂可以在兰花,有花的木瓜树或赤素馨树上找到。These mantids can be found on orchids, papaya trees or frangipani trees with flowers.

房子的主要剖面被室外的水池和鸡蛋花树的花池分开。The main section of the house is separated by the out door pool and frangipani garden.

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腰间缠上沙滩巾,头上别一朵赤素馨花,把你女性的优雅完全展现出来。Wrap a sarongaround your waist and pin a frangipani in your hair to embrace your full femininity.

即使是小碗可以成为一个或两个鸡蛋花浮在表面上动人的东方符号。Even small bowls can become evocative symbols of the East with a frangipani or two floated on the surface.

陶醉在轻松的赤脚天,热带鸟鸣和肉桂树和鸡蛋花香味的小夜曲。Revel in days of barefoot ease, serenaded by tropical birdsong and scented by cinnamon trees and frangipani.

种一些植物,例如九重葛和素馨,这样既可以遮阳又可以产生香味美。Some species of plants such as bougainvillea and frangipani , this can have a smell can shade the United States.

温暖的柑橘融合了薄荷、香雪球和素馨创造出来的无限奇妙的芬芳。Warm citrus notes combine with hints of peppermint, alyssum and frangipani to create a wonderfully exhilarant scent.

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内庭院里的铝金属和鸡蛋花花池创造出一种富有启发性的空间体验。A balance between the aluminum and the frangipani garden in the internal courtyard has developed a stimulating spatial experience.

比如,在万豪酒店,客人们可以在面包果树和鸡蛋花树之间徜徉,在硕大的不规则形状游泳池边相互拍照。At the Marriott, for example, guests ramble amid breadfruit and frangipani trees and photograph one another by an enormous, amoeba-shaped swimming pool.

有几个世纪历史的鸡蛋花树是当地的一种植物,与佛教和印度教文化紧密联系,缠绕在一起的树干为这所房子增添了几分独特的气质。The Century Frangipani is a native tree that has been associated with Buddhist and Hindu cultures. The old twisted trunk adds to the character of the house.

越野车在红色的土路上跋涉,经过了按树林,叶片像蜡制的芳香的鸡蛋花和芒果林,夏日炎热的空气中有蜻蜓在纷飞。The all-terrain vehicle ploughs through roads of red dust and the hot summer air is thick with dragonflies as we pass eucalyptus, waxy-leaved fragrant frangipani and mango trees.