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我有一个猕猴桃和一个甜瓜。Jag har en kiwi och en melon.

安娜和马丁喜欢中国菜。Anna och Martin tycker om kinamat.

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加之,Och称这项服务在过去5年中已经迅速改进了。On the plus side, the service has been vastly improved in the last five years, Och said.

十年前的圣诞平安夜历历在目,今年的平安夜祝愿好友一生平安!The Christmas Even ten year ago still alive in my memory, I wish all my best friends God Jul och Gott Nytt Ar!

奥奇承认,Google在线翻译系统仍有待改善,但他表示,该系统正迅速改进。Mr. Och acknowledged that Google’s translation system still needed improvement, but he said it was getting better fast.

该男子生于1984年,在上周五从纽约返回斯德哥尔摩家中后出现流感疑似症状。Mannen är född 1984 och fick influensaliknande symtom när han kom hem till Stockholm efter en resa till New York i fredags.

纤维连接蛋白和层粘连蛋白低表达在血窦壁异常结构形成中有重要作用。The low expression of Fibronectin and Laminin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the abnormal sinusoid wall in OCH.

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Och称,随着更多语言的增加以及质量的提高,谷歌电脑变得愈加聪明,网络聊天的即时翻译时代即将到来。Och said real-time translation of Internet chats is on the horizon, as are more languages and increased quality as Google's computers get smarter.

在这种情况下,您需要与就业服务部门取得联系,他们会考虑是否安排您到就业发展保证部门工作。In that case you must contact the employment service. The employment service will consider if they are going to offer you a place in jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin.

Google这款软件可以学习用户的口音、方言和讲话的一般方式,会随着时间的推移而越来越精确。Och is referring to the fact that the software would have the opportunity to learn your accent, dialect and general manner of speaking over time, becoming more accurate.

我一直希望在心中那个「小孩」,可以永活快乐的活著,这也是为什麽我想赋予他一个声音,让他可以藉由我的创作「唱」出自己的歌声。Hopefully, my inner child will never stop living� och and that's maybe why I wanted to give him a voice, make it sing through my drawings. Yes, I have always wanted to taste a cloud.