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动态交叉表和数据立方体特性。The dynamic Crosstab and data cube feature.

这个例子的报表将是一个交叉表。The report in this example will be a crosstab.

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这样交叉报表也会显示过滤后结果。The crosstab report also displays the change in filters.

这个已投射的交叉表如下图所示。This crosstab projected is illustrated by the following image.

该交叉表如下面的屏幕截图所示。This crosstab is also illustrated in the following screen capture.

有关更高级的帮助,请参阅主题创建选择或交叉表查询。For more advanced help, see the topic Create a select or crosstab query.

下图显示了交叉表布局的这些更改。The following image displays these changes to the layout of the crosstab.

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这个报表将以交叉表格式显示详细的产品收益数据。This report will contain detail data for product revenue in crosstab format.

有关选择查询的详细信息,请参阅主题创建选择或交叉表查询。For more information about select queries, see the topic Create a select or crosstab query.

当在“数据表”视图中打开选择或交叉表查询时,实际是在执行查询。When you open a select or crosstab query in Datasheet view, you are actually executing the query.

一种替代解决方案是将切片器替换为嵌套在交叉表边上的显式计算。An alternative solution is to replace the slicer by an explicit calculation nested on one of the edges of the crosstab.

汽车销售集团网站,使用面向对象的数据库设计方法,并使用交叉表查询技术进行数据库操作。Car sales Web site, the use of object-oriented database design methods, and use the crosstab query technology for database operations.