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在呼呼作响的黑暗世界,起伏着不平整的呼吸。Roaming around whirly world rough breath in dark.

他们通常被称为“旋鸟”或类似名称。They are often called "whirly birds" or some similar title.

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最好的办法是典型的买太阳鸟和旋和真人一样大小的廉价猫头鹰。The best approach is typically to buy a solar whirly bird and life-sized cheap owl.

在幽寂的世界中闲逛,在黑暗中粗鲁的呼吸,残忍的刀和眼泪在伤心的日子中消逝。Roaming around whirly world rough breath in dark cruel blades and tears in sorrowful days.

思绪像是风中旋转的叶子一般,在所可以被感知到的大草原上翩翩起舞。My dear revolving feelings, like whirly leaves dancing lightly in the prairie of sensations.

漫步这旋转的世界,艰难的在黑暗喘息,刀锋与血泪的悲伤岁月。Roaming around whirly world, rough breath in dark, cruel blades and tears in sorrowful days.

我想玩啊!看看它们这样子转啊转的,按一按它们就消失了!I want to play that game! You know, they all go whirly -round and you click on them and they vanish!

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不过,除了青梅竹马的稔之外没人知道,她其实是个擅长回旋飞踢的强悍女孩。However, besides having the childhood outside nobody knows, she actually is a good play tough whirly fly girl.

介绍了斜齿轮塑件注射成型模具的齿形型腔旋转式和斜齿轮塑件旋转式两类脱模机构设计。The whirly demoulding mechanism designs of shape-gear and the whirly plastic parts of bevel gear injection mould were introduced.

为了保持两轮的平衡问题,莲花于其上应用了高级的回旋技术。To maintain two rounds balance problem, lotus used advanced whirly technology on its. 0 discharge conduce to environmental protection.

不要以为换了家公司就可以一切重新来过,这个世界,尤其是这个圈子往往小得不容回旋。Do not think it is OK to traded domestic company everything has come afresh, this world, especially this circle often so small that not allow whirly.

到了春、冬两季时,白色的急流、绿色的深潭,回旋的清波倒映着各种景物的影子。When it is in spring and winter, the white rapid, the green deep puddle and the whirly ripple reflects the shadows of all different kinds of sceneries.

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起居室是多功能的并且是人来客往较多的活动场所,要给人以坐得住的感觉和给活动以回旋的余地。Living room is muti_function and it is person guest toward more mobile room, the feeling that should live in order to sit to the person and give an activity with whirly leeway.

推导了公路缓和曲线及其等间距边线上任意点的独立坐标计算公式及其向平面坐标的转化方法。The formulas of independent coordinate of any point on highways whirly line and its sideline, and the method to translate from the independent to the surveying coordinate are deduced.

我甚至一下子就认定,眼前这些充满回旋笔触和厚重色块的平面作品,其实是这个女性艺术家的一种有趣的性格图示。In a split second, I became quite sure that these planar works full of whirly strokes and thick pigment with strong colors are an interesting sign of the character of the woman artist.