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成熟原质团棕色。The mature plasmodium is brown.

疟疾是由称为疟原虫的一种单细胞寄生虫造成的。Malaria is caused by a one-celled parasite called a Plasmodium.

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恶性疟和间日疟最常见。Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are the most common.

因此研究表明间日疟原虫已经攻克了达菲-阴性。So we’ve shown that Plasmodium vivax has cleared Duffy negativity.

已知疟原虫的生命史依赖于温度。The life cycle of Plasmodium parasites is known to depend on temperature.

蛋白组学研究是疟原虫研究中的重要组成部分。The research of proteomics is one of the important studies on Plasmodium.

目的培育伯氏疟原虫青蒿素抗性系。Objective To induce a line of Plasmodium berghei with resistance to artemisinin.

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杜菲阴性的非洲人一直被认为对间日疟原虫拥有抵抗力。Duffy-negative Africans have been considered to be resistant to Plasmodium vivax.

约氏疟原虫子孢子感染对大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞B7.1﹑B7.2分子表达的影响。Expressions of B7.1 and B7.2 in macrophagus of rats infected by Plasmodium yoelii.

科学家也打算进行一个类似的间日疟原虫的测绘项目。A similar mapping exercise is also planned for the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax.

慢性病例的骨髓涂片中有时可找到疟原虫的有性生殖体。The marrow of chronic exemple can find the zoogamy body of plasmodium sometimes in smear.

它实际上是免疫蚊虫去抗击配子,即疟原虫的有性阶段。It involves, in effect, immunizing mosquitoes against gametes, the sexual stage of plasmodium.

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导致疟疾的病原体疟原虫通常是通过被其感染的蚊子叮咬所传播的。The malaria-causing plasmodium parasite is commonly spread by the bite of an infected mosquito.

恶性疟原虫寄生时,红细胞膜有高度不规则的缺陷。When malign plasmodium parasitism, film of red blood cell has the drawback with irregular height.

目的观察苦艾对感染伯氏疟原虫小鼠的疗效。Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of wormwood in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei.

目的观察IL-6对大鼠体内约氏疟原虫红外期发育的影响。Aim To investigate the effect of IL6 on the development of exoerythrocytic forms of Plasmodium yoelii.

这项发现已经导致一些疟疾专家提出,如果在猴子和猿之间能发生转移,那么猴子到人的传染可能正在发生。The malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi is transmitted between monkeys by forest-dwelling mosquitoes.

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人类寄生性病原体的基因分析,特别是疟原虫与利什曼原虫。Genomic analysis of parasitic human pathogens, particularly Plasmodium falciparum, and Leishmania major.

虐原虫就是其中的一种,引起虐疾。别的原虫引起嗜睡症和阿米巴痢疾。One of these the plasmodium causes malaria. other protozoa cause sleeping sickness and amebic dysentery.

缺乏关于间日疟原虫的数据意味着这项研究只能带来关于恶性疟原虫的可靠估计。A lack of data on Plasmodium vivax meant the study could only produce robust estimates for P. falciparum.