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钟表为什么都是顺时针转的?Why do clocks run clockwise?

之前,是顺时针方向。Before, it was rotating clockwise.

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这个人现在是顺时针沿着C走的。This guy is walking clockwise on C.

李明决定把绳子顺时针传下去。Li Mingchu chose to pass it clockwise.

如果有一条是顺时针的呢?What if I have a curve that goes clockwise?

这样,再逆时针方向转6圈。Thus, the counter clockwise transfers 6 again.

将旋钮按顺时针方向转,打开电视机。Turn the knob clockwise to switch the TV set on.

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这支舞是按逆时针方向跳的。The dance moves in a counter- clockwise direction.

绕行舍利塔必须顺时针方向被做。Circumambulating the Stupa has to be done clockwise.

你看到的美女是顺时针还是逆时针转动?。You see the girl is turn clockwise or anti- clockwise?

好,3转-,顺时针方向还是逆时针方向?Okay, three-- shall we go clockwise or counterclockwise?

顺时针转动红色调节钮以减慢回弹速度。For slower rebound, turn the red adjuster knob clockwise.

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从电机往泵方向看,水泵为顺时针方向旋转。The clockwise direction when you look from motor to pump.

将面团顺时针转90度,轻轻地将边缘压到一路,封好。Turn dough 90c clockwise and gently press edges together.

将两个可调电阻顺时钟旋到最小。Two adjustable powerBlock clockwise rotation to a minimum.

它该取顺时针方向还是逆时针方向。Would the bottom one be going clockwise or counterclockwise.

在莫斯科上空飞行只能是沿着顺时针方向。Flights over Moscow are made only in the clockwise direction.

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我们在黑暗中顺时针走着,在每一幅画前都会停留下来。We moved clockwise in the darkness, stopping at each drawing.

他们是以顺时钟的方向环绕著青金石。They are circling the Lapis Lazuli stone in clockwise direction.

下面转动螺旋锥,从你们那侧看是顺时针。I'm going to turn the corkscrew as seen from your side, clockwise.