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恩斯特和林蕙离婚,在1936年。Ernst and Helene divorced in 1936.

韩熊娇子和高宇辰同学是我们今年两位闪亮的明星!Helene and Lucian are our bright stars this year!

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埃莱娜·西苏,法国当代小说家、诗人和文学理论家。Helene Cixous , the contemporary French novelist , poet and literary theorist.

在一个宽容的气氛,皮埃尔返回海伦妮和他们生活在一起再次。In a forgiving mood, Pierre returns to Helene and they live together once again.

其中有一位叫海伦妮的海地妇女,她丈夫在巴黎念书。One of them was a Haitian woman named Helene whose husband was studying in Paris.

几天后当我离开俄国时,海伦妮给了我一顶标志性的俄罗斯皮帽。When I left Russia a few days later, Helene gave me one of those trademark Russian fur hats.

海伦·普瑞戈同其他人一起在法国参议院外参加抗议活动。Helene Puyrigaud has been protesting with others, outside the French Senate, which is debating the law.

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其中,韩熊娇子获得牛津大学面试机会,中国首批伊顿公学交换生高宇辰获得剑桥大学面试机会。Among them, Helene received an interview opportunity from Oxford University and Lucian interviews at Cambridge University in January.

本院心理学系冯海岚教授荣获二零零七年社会科学院模范教学奖。College Member, Professor Helene Fung from Department of Psychology, won the Exemplary Teaching Award of Faculty of Social Science 2007.

这项由经济学家海琳·考普�所做的调查主要基于“英国家庭专门调查”的1万2千多名男性和女性。The research, by the economist Helene Couprie, is based on a sample of more than 12,000 men and women in the British Household Panel Survey.

这项由经济学家海琳·考普里所做的调查主要基于“英国家庭专门调查”的1万2千多名男性和女性。The research, by the economist Helene Couprie, is based on a sample of more than 12, 000 men and women in the British Household Panel Survey.

“卡西尼”号上一次与土卫十二近距离接触是在2006年,揭示了土卫十二表面可能由天体碎片导致的撞坑和缺口。The spacecraft last approached Helene in 2006, revealing craters and chips on its surface that appear to have been caused by flying objects debris.

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海琳·马勒-兰道,来自巴拿马安孔的斯密松热带研究所,认为森林可以从过去的损伤中恢复增长。Helene Muller-Landau of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Ancon, Panama, said the forests could be growing as they recover from past trauma.

一个简单、素净又不失个性的居住空间,是公寓独一无二的设计精神所在。Hélène Benhamou was intent on keeping the spirit and originality of the apartment by designing a simple and neutral living space that resonates with character.

尽管是小小的纸杯蛋糕,读者们也仍然喜爱这款大黄无谷杯中风暴,食谱来自美食摄影师海琳娜·雅尔单,又名为塔特莉特。Though these are little cakes, readers really loved these Gluten-Free Rhubarb Financiers created for us by food photographer Helene Dujardin, also known as Tartelette.

“它有一种前所未有的美味,平和的,”这里的一位名叫海伦珊缪尔的餐厅顾问说,“用手拿着吃,这是一种纯粹的返璞归真。"It has the taste of the forbidden, the illicit — the subversive, even, " said Hélène Samuel, a restaurant consultant here. "Eating with your hands, it's pure regression.

他与他的妻子1913年迁居加篷开了一家医院,1952年他获得诺贝尔和平奖,用奖金扩建了医院。Schweitzer and his wife Hélène moved to Gabon in 1913 and opened a hospital in Lambaréné, which he later expanded with money from the Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded in 1952.

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海伦·普瑞戈同其他人一起在法国参议院外参加抗议活动。参议院正在就退休改革的立法进行辩论。普瑞戈说,他们会将示威活动进行到底,直到胜利的那天。Helene Puyrigaud has been protesting with others, outside the French Senate, which is debating the law. She says every day the demonstrations will continue until they have won.

设在日内瓦的联合国难民机构的官员埃莱纳。科说,成千的乍得难民步行越过一座星期日重新开放的桥梁,这座桥连接乍得的恩贾梅纳和喀麦隆市镇库塞里。Geneva-based Helene Caux, of the U. N. refugee agency, says thousands of Chadians have been fleeing on foot by a bridge that reopened Sunday connecting N'Djamena to the Cameroon town of Kousseri.