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婴儿车碰到了围墙。The pram bumped the fence.

这孩子正在推一辆婴儿车。The child was pushing a pram.

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绑架童车中的婴儿。To abduct a baby in its pram.

原因在于门厅里的婴儿车。Because of the pram in the hall.

这辆婴儿车上的折叠式布篷被收了下来。The pram had its hood folded down.

一辆着车篷的婴儿车。A pram which had its hood folded down.

那婴儿被人从婴儿车中劫走了。The baby had been snatched from its pram.

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他们将婴儿车改装成火箭,直奔太空!Turn their pram into a Space Rocket! Smart Babies!

如果你不多加小心的话,会把那辆婴儿车弄翻的。You'll have that pram if you don't take more care.

菲儿推的婴儿车有一个轮子被什么东西夹住了。Phyl got one wheel of the pram caught in something.

我所有能记得的第一反映就是去抓住婴儿车。All I remember is that my first reaction was to grab for the pram.

大娃娃坐在崭新的童车里,满脸痴笑,能听得一清二楚。The big doll, sitting in her new pram smirking, could hear it quite plainly.

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侥幸,当时,他被绑在婴儿车上,这可能救了他的命。Luckily, he was strapped into his pram at the time, which probably saved his life.

配备收音机的婴儿车,包含了天线和喇叭,用来让婴儿安静。Pram provided with a radio, including antenna and loudspeaker, to keep the baby quiet.

我那时侯将弟弟放在童车里,然后就把那童车当成了球门柱——他都被我的球击中过几次。I would put him in the pram and use the pram as a goalpost – he did get hit a few times.

接着朝山下跑去,在那里她跟别的做母亲的推过几天婴儿车,那些人现在都回避她。Then down the hill, where she had briefly pushed a pram with other mothers who now shunned her.

逛街时,经常看到妈妈们拉的童车里坐一个,手上牵一个,还有一个跑在旁边。In the street, I can see lots of mothers shopping with a baby in the pram and another in the hand.

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商店的橱窗外聚着那么一大群人,推着婴儿车的年轻妇女无法走过去。There was such a crowd outside the shop window that the young woman with the pram couldn't get by.

Connex铁路公司着手调查婴儿车是如何滚落站台的,火车司机也将接受辅导。Rail firm Connex is to investigate how the pram rolled off the platform and the train driver will be offered counselling.

旅行途中他还必须找一个愿意嫁给他的女人,推一辆婴儿车和带上一套换洗内衣物。While travelling, he also had to find a woman who would marry him, to push a pram and carry only one change of underwear!