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庆祝他们金婚纪念的聚会。A party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

LPGA巡回赛的两千年,庆祝其成立五十周年。In two thousand, the LPGA celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.

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今年是圣劳伦斯航道开通的五十周年。This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the seaway's opening.

柏林在一九二九年爱因斯坦第五十岁生日时举办了一个公开庆祝会。Berlin in 1929 held a public celebration on Einstein's fiftieth birthday.

他们庆祝二次世界大战胜利五十周年。They celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of winning the Second World War.

明天是这对老夫妇结婚50周年纪念日。Tomorrow it will be the fiftieth anniversary of the old couple’s wedding.

金婚是结婚五十周年缅怀日。A golden wedding is the fiftieth everlasting nature of a married relineship.

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他们结婚五十周年时爷爷送给奶奶了一对天鹅。Grandpa had given the pair of swans to Grandma on their fiftieth anniversary.

随着父母亲结婚50周年纪念日临近,我的兄弟们和我碰面,计划举办一场晚会。As the time for my parents’ fiftieth anniversary approached,my brothers and I met to plan the party.

最后一颗星是在1959年夏威夷成为美国第五十个州时加上去的。The last one was added in 1959 when Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States of America.

大约在他50岁生日即1692年圣诞日,在某个地方,他患了我们现在所称的严重的神经衰弱。Somewhere about his fiftieth birthday on Christmas Day 1692, he suffered what we should now term a severe nervous breakdown.

这将用一周时间在芝加哥大会上庆祝美国劳联产联组织的五十周年纪念。This was supposed to be a week to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the A. F. L. -C. I. O. at its convention in Chicago.

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在新约圣经中这一天叫做收获祭,是逾越节后的第五天。这个节日时处晚春。In the New Testament this day is called Pentecost, which means the fiftieth day after Passover. This feast is in late spring.

例如,天狼星B的质量与太阳相当,但比太阳致密9万倍,所以只有太阳直径的1/50。For instance, Sirius B is roughly the same mass as the sun, but is 90,000 times as dense, and so is only a fiftieth its diameter.

例如,天狼星B的质量与太阳相当,但比太阳致密9万倍,所以只有太阳直径的1/50。For instance, Sirius B is roughly the same mass as the sun, but is 90, 000 times as dense, and so is only a fiftieth its diameter.

犹大王亚撒利雅五十年,米拿现的儿子比加辖在撒玛利亚登基作以色列王二年。In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah, Pekahiah son of Menahem became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned two years.

犹大王亚撒利雅五十年,米拿现的儿子比加辖在撒马利亚登基作以色列王二年。In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah, Pekahiah son of Menahem became king of Israel in Samaria , and he reigned two years.

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“五十号街附近那些大电影院很凉快,”乔丹提议说,“我爱夏天下午的纽约,人都跑光了。"Those big movies around Fiftieth Street are cool, " suggested Jordan. "I love New York on summer afternoons when every one's away.

在尧帝统治的第五十年,檀君定平壤为都城,称他的国家为朝鲜。In the fiftieth year of the reign of Emperor Yao, Tangun made the walled city of P'yongyang the capital and called his country Choson.

今年是芭比的五十岁生日,这个玩具第一次出现在纽约玩具展上,是在1959年三月九日。This year is the fiftieth birthday of Barbie. The doll first appeared at the toy fair in New York on March ninth, nineteen fifty-nine.