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他的搪塞之词是有根源的。He had good reason to prevaricate.

不要告诉我你的爱是一个谎言。Don't tell me your love is a prevaricate.

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然后说些了无关紧要的话去看电影去了!Then prevaricate with The other to watch the film!

有什么就详详细细地告诉我们,不要支吾。Tell us exactly what happened and don't prevaricate.

如果我可以,我会告诉他们前路是什麽样的吗?Would I advise them of the sorrow and betrayal that prevaricate in cache?

但法方总是百般拖延,最后甚至报出“天价”来搪塞。But France is always dragging, and finally even quoted "day price" to prevaricate.

还好当时我也搪塞过去了,他没再怪我,我也没想到老李会继续用他。Well I was also prevaricate over, he didn't blame me, I also have never thought he would continue to use li.

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小灵子你好样的,居然敢对我撒这样的弥天大谎?Is small to work properly son you nice variety, incredibly challenge to my Sa monstrous prevaricate favor this?

这可真是前所未有的魔法学徒,躺在床上测试魔法,我们将她伺候得真到位。This be the unprecedented sorcery beginner, prevaricate on the bed to test sorcery, we await above she really nice enough.

后面一条平行壕沟里,则趴着第一连、第二连、第三连。Behind a parallel trench inside, then prevaricate prone the 1st connect, the second connect, Scarpe UGG, the third connect.

死神乐得如此。温柔地怀抱佳人。好让她寻个舒服的位置躺着。The Azrael enjoys accordingly. Gentle and softly embrace charm. Make her look in a comfortable rank to prevaricate so much.

午饭后,我合眼慵懒地斜躺在闺阁的软榻上,正对菱木小窗。After the luncheon, I near eyes lazily inclined prevaricate on the Gui of the soft Ta of Ge up, just to Ling wood small window.

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每当“鬼子”问起中国的自然分娩率的时候,我总是以“我的孩子是顺产的”来搪塞,刻意避开难堪的数字。Whenever "devil" asked about China's natural childbirth, I always with "my child is natural labor" to avoid embarrassing prevaricate painstakingly digital.

话音刚落,那些大汉已被安海和小贵子扔到了边上,躺在地主,唉哟叫个不停。The words sound just fell, those big guy yet pedal Anne the sea and small valuable son discard in the side and prevaricate on the owner, alas hey reserve vocation.

轻喃了这么一句,又吻了吻她的眉心,他跟着躺了下来,将她搂在胸前闭上眼睡觉。Light Nan such a, and then kissed to kiss her among the eyebrows, he followed to prevaricate down and embraced her to shut the worthy of a look sleeping before chest.

庄薇笑得异常妖娆,亲了亲杨天的嘴唇,“等你能做200个俯卧撑的时候,我就成全你的本能。”The Chuang Wei smiles unusually flirtatiously and kissed close Yang Tian's lips, "etc. you to can make 200 Fus prevaricate to assist of time, I assist your instinct."

一场虚惊之后,熊阔海对作为县大队战士但胡言乱语且无视纪律的老满的身份提出质疑,于挺却支支吾吾一味搪塞。A false alarm XiongKuo sea after as county brigade soldiers but nonsense and ignores discipline old full identity, questioned in pretty but equivocate blindly prevaricate.

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现在我们知道,鲁伯特或许只是一个糊涂的糟老头子,他儿子则是尽其所能支吾其词,而且显然整个事件已经让他的妻子邓文迪变得神经紧张。We now know that Rupert just might be a doddering old fool, that his son can prevaricate with the best of them, and that Wendi Deng has clearly been put on edge by the whole experience.